Janina Onigkeit (Dr.)
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-6128
- onigkeit[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- Wilhelmshöher Allee 47
34109 Kassel
- Room
- Raum 0210
Bonzi, C., Onigkeit, J., Hoff, H., Joyce, B., & Tielbörger, K. (2016). Analysing Stakeholder Driven Scenarios with a Transboundary Water Planning Tool for IWRM in the Jordan River Basin. In D. Borchardt, J. J. Bogardi, & R. B. Ibisch (Hrsg.), Integrated Water Resources Management: Concept, Research and Implementation (S. 413–433). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25071-7_16 |
Onigkeit, J., Simon, K.-H., Alcamo, J., & Tielbörger, K. (2016). Participative Scenario Development as a Method to Integrate Science and IWRM - Lessons Learnt from a Case Study in the Jordan River Region. In D. Borchardt, J. J. Bogardi, & R. B. Ibisch (Hrsg.), Integrated Water Resources Management: Concept, Research and Implementation (S. 269–301). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25071-7_12 |
Kirschke, S., Horlemann, L., Brenda, M., Deffner, J., Jokisch, A., Mohajeri, S., & Onigkeit, J. (2016). Benefits and Barriers of Participation: Experiences of Applied Research Projects in Integrated Water Resources Management. In D. Borchardt, J. J. Bogardi, & R. B. Ibisch (Hrsg.), Integrated Water Resources Management: Concept, Research and Implementation (S. 303–331). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25071-7_13 |
Koch, J., Wimmer, F., Schaldach, R., & Onigkeit, J. (2012). An Integrated Land-Use System Model for the Jordan River Region. In S. Appiah-Opoku (Hrsg.), Environmental Land Use Planning (S. 87–116). InTech. https://doi.org/10.5772/51247 |
Koch, J., Onigkeit, J., Schaldach, R., Alcamo, J., Köchy, M., Wolff, H.-P., & Kan, I. (2011). Land-use Change Scenarios for the Jordan River Region. International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental System, 3, 25–31. Abgerufen von https://www.researchgate.net/publication/208040828_Land-use_change_scenarios_for_the_Jordan_River_region |
Menzel, L., Koch, J., Onigkeit, J., & Schaldach, R. (2009). Modelling the effects of land-use and land-cover change on water availability in the Jordan River region. Advances in Geosciences, 21, 73–80. https://doi.org/10.5194/adgeo-21-73-2009 |
Anger, N., Brouns, B., & Onigkeit, J. (2009). Linking the EU emissions trading scheme: economic implications of allowance allocation and global carbon constraints. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 14, 379–398. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-009-9180-y |
Onigkeit, J., Anger, N., & Brouns, B. (2009). Fairness aspects of linking the European emissions trading scheme under a long-term stabilization scenario for CO2 concentration. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 14, 477–494. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-009-9177-6 |
Onigkeit, J. (2005). Ein Modell für Stickstoff- und Kohlenstoffumsätze im Boden von Agrarökosystemen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Variabilität der mikrobiellen Aktivität. https://doi.org/10.24355/dbbs.084-200603150100-27 |
Rykiel, E. J., Berkson, J., Brown, V. A., Krewitt, W., Peters, I., Schwartz, M., Shogren, J., van der Molen, D., Blok, R., Borsuk, M., Bruins, R., Cover, K., Dale, V., Dew, J., Dewhurst, R. J., Etnier, C., Fanning, L., Felix, F., Nordin Hasan, M., Hong, H., King, A. A. K., Krauchi, N., Lubinsky, K., Olson, J., Onigkeit, J., Patterson, G., Rajan, K. S., Reichert, P., Sharma, K., Smith, V., Sonnenschein, M., St-Louis, R., Stuart, D., Supalla, R., & van Latesteijn, H. (2002). Science and decisionmaking. In R. Costanza & S. E. Jørgensen (Hrsg.), Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century (S. 153–166). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-008044111-5/50010-X |
Mayerhofer, P., Vries, B. de, den Elzen, M., Vuuren, D. P. van, Onigkeit, J., Posch, M., & Guardans, R. (2002). Long-term, consistent scenarios of emissions, deposition, and climate change in Europe. Environmental Science & Policy, 5, 273–305. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1462-9011(02)00038-2 |
Minnen, J. van, Onigkeit, J., & Alcamo, J. (2002). Critical climate change as an approach to assess climate change impacts in Europe: development and application. Environmental Science & Policy, 5, 335–347. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1462-9011(02)00044-8 |
Alcamo, J., Mayerhofer, P., Guardans, R., van Harmelen, T., Minnen, J. van, Onigkeit, J., Posch, M., & Vries, B. de. (2002). An integrated assessment of regional air pollution and climate change in Europe: findings of the AIR-CLIM Project. Environmental Science & Policy, 5, 257–272. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1462-9011(02)00037-0 |
Onigkeit, J., & Alcamo, J. (2000). A Different Perspective for Global Climate Policy: Combining Burden Sharing and Climate Protection. In C. Carraro (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Integrating Climate Policies in the European Environment (S. TBD). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9484-4_14 |
Alcamo, J., & Onigkeit, J. (1998). After Kyoto: Some Key policy Questions for Global Modelers. Environmental Science & Policy, 1, 269–270. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1462-9011(98)00040-9 |
Alcamo, J., Swart, R., Onigkeit, J., Berk, M., & Kreileman, E. (1997). Climate Protocols and Climate Protection: An evaluation of proposals leading up to Kyoto (S. TBD). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1462-9011(98)00040-9 |