Rüdiger Schaldach (Apl. Prof. Dr.)

Director of the Global and Regional Dynamics research group

Wilhelmshöher Allee 47
34109 Kassel
Raum 0140

Research fields  (Rüdiger Schaldach (Apl. Prof. Dr.))

Landscape Ecology

Research interests  (Rüdiger Schaldach (Apl. Prof. Dr.))

Modelling of lan-use systems, analysis of environmental impact of land-use change, integrated modelling, ecosystem services

Vita  (Rüdiger Schaldach (Apl. Prof. Dr.))

  • 2009: Habilitation im Fach Umweltsystemtechnik / Umweltsystemanalyse 
  • Seit 01.02.2009: Leitung der GRID-Land Gruppe 
  • Seit 2004:Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Center for Environmental Systems Research 
  • 2004:Promotion am Fachbereich Elektrotechnik/Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Umweltsystemtechnik der Universität Kassel, Dissertationsschrift:"Räumliche Modellierung der Dynamik von Landnutzung in Hessen und ihrer Wirkung auf die biologische Kohlenstoffspeicherung - Entwicklung eines GIS-basierten Modellsystems" 
  • 2000-2004:Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter an der Universität Kassel, CESR
  • 2000:Mitarbeiter am Ingenieurbüro Heidt & Peters, Celle 
  • 2000:Studienabschluss als Dioplom-Geoökologe, Diplomarbeit:"Entwicklung und Anwendung eines GIS-basierten Werkzeugs zur Erstellung von Gewässerentwicklungskonzepten"
  • 1994-2000:Studium der Geoökologie an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig 
  • 1994: Studienabschluss als Diplomingenieur (BA), Diplomarbeit:"Aufbau eines innerbetrieblichen Informationssystems auf Basis des World Wide Web"
  • 1991-1994: Studium derTechnischen Informatik an der BerufsakademieKarlsruhe und am Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe

Publications  (Rüdiger Schaldach (Apl. Prof. Dr.))


  • Froese, Rebecca; Andrino, Alberto; Giudice, Renzo; Stuch, Benjamin; Kilian Salas, Simone; Böhner, Jürgen; Boy, Diana; Boy, Jens; Brown, Foster; Díaz García, Elisa; Figueroa, Diana; Frör, Oliver; Guggenberger, Georg; Horn, Marcus A.; Hasson, Shabeh ul; Jung, Christopher; Lagneaux, Elisabeth G.; Meurer, Katharina H. E.; Pinzón Cuellar, Claudia; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Ribeiro, Sabina Cerruto; Schilling, Janpeter; Schmidt, Fernando A.; Schönenberg, Regine; Selaya, Galia; Vega, Claudia M.; Vetter, Vanessa M. S.; Villavicenio, Miguel; Callo-Concha, Daniel; Jansen, Merel; Jungkunst, Hermann F. (2023): Describing complex interactions of social-ecological systems for tipping point assessments: an analytical framework.
    In: Front. Clim. 5. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2023.1145942.
  • Egenolf, Vincent; Schüngel, Jan; Bringezu, Stefan; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2023):
    The impact of the German timber footprint on potential species loss in supply regions.
    In: The Science of the total environment, S. 165897. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165897.
  • Lapola, David M.; Pinho, Patricia; Barlow, Jos; Aragão, Luiz E. O. C.; Berenguer, Erika; Carmenta, Rachel; Liddy, Hannah M.; Seixas, Hugo; Silva, Camila V. J.; Silva-Junior, Celso H. L.; Alencar, Ane A. C.; Anderson, Liana O.; Armenteras, Dolors; Brovkin, Victor; Calders, Kim; Chambers, Jeffrey; Chini, Louise; Costa, Marcos H.; Faria, Bruno L.; Fearnside, Philip M.; Ferreira, Joice; Gatti, Luciana; Gutierrez-Velez, Victor Hugo; Han, Zhangang; Hibbard, Kathleen; Koven, Charles; Lawrence, Peter; Pongratz, Julia; Portela, Bruno T. T.; Rounsevell, Mark; Ruane, Alex C.; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Da Silva, Sonaira S.; Randow, Celso von; Walker, Wayne S. (2023):
    The drivers and impacts of Amazon forest degradation.
    In: Science 379 (6630), eabp8622. DOI: 10.1126/science.abp8622.


  • Mahlich, Lukas; Jung, Christopher; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2022):
    The Biodiversity Footprint of German Soy-Imports in Brazil.
    In: Sustainability 14 (23), S. 16272. DOI: 10.3390/su142316272.
  • Zander, Katrin; Will, Sabine; Göpel, Jan; Jung, Christopher; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2022):
    Societal Evaluation of Bioeconomy Scenarios for Germany.
    In: Resources 11 (5), S. 44. DOI: 10.3390/resources11050044.
  • Schüngel, Jan; Stuch, Benjamin; Fohry, Claudia; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2022):
    Effects of initialization of a global land-use model on simulated land change and loss of natural vegetation.
    In: Environmental Modelling & Software 148, S. 105287. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105287.
  • Hennenberg, Klaus Josef; Gebhardt, Swantje; Wimmer, Florian; Distelkamp, Martin; Lutz, Christian; Böttcher, Hannes; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2022):
    Germany’s Agricultural Land Footprint and the Impact of Import Pattern Allocation.
    In: Sustainability 14 (1), S. 105. DOI: 10.3390/su14010105.


  • Bringezu, Stefan; Banse, Martin; Ahmann, Lara; Bezama, N. Alberto; Billig, Eric; Bischof, R.; Blanke, C.; Brosowski, Andre; Brüning, Simone; Borchers, M.; Budzinski, Maik; Cyffka, Karl-Friedrich; Distelkamp, Martin; Egenolf, Vincent; Flaute, Markus; Geng, Natalia; Gieseking, Lukas; Graß, Rüdiger; Hennenberg, Klaus; Hering, T.; Iost, Susanne; Jochem, Dominik; Krause, T.; Lutz, Christian; Machmüller, Andrea; Mahro, Bernd; Majer, S.; Mantau, U.; Meisel, K.; Moesenfechtel, Urs; Noke, Anja; Raussen, Thomas; Richter, Felix; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Schweinle, Jörg; Thrän, Daniela; Uglik, M.; Weimar, Holger; Wimmer, Florian; Wydra, S.; Zeug, Walther (2021):
    Pilot report on the monitoring of the German bioeconomy.
    Unter Mitarbeit von Universität Kassel und Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR).
  • Bringezu, Stefan; Distelkamp, Martin; Lutz, Christian; Wimmer, Florian; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Hennenberg, Klaus Josef; Böttcher, Hannes; Egenolf, Vincent (2021):
    Environmental and socioeconomic footprints of the German bioeconomy.
    In: Nature Sustainability 7, S. 10461. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-021-00725-3.


  • Bringezu, Stefan; Banse, Martin; Ahmann, Lara; Bezama, Alberto; Billig, Eric; Bischof, R.; Blanke, C.; Brosowski, Andre; Brüning, Simone; Borchers, M.; Budzinski, Maik; Cyffka, Karl-Friedrich; Distelkamp, Martin; Egenolf, Vincent; Flaute, Markus; Geng, Natalia; Gieseking, Lukas; Graß, Rüdiger; Hennenberg, Klaus; Hering, T.; Iost, Susanne; Jochem, Dominik; Krause, T.; Lutz, Christian; Machmüller, Andrea; Mahro, Bernd; Majer, S.; Mantau, U.; Meisel, K.; Moesenfechtel, Urs; Noke, Anja; Raussen, Thomas; Richter, Felix; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Schweinle, Jörg; Thrän, Daniela; Uglik, M.; Weimar, Holger; Wimmer, Florian; Wydra, S.; Zeug, Walther (2020):
    Pilotbericht zum Monitoring der deutschen Bioökonomie.
    Unter Mitarbeit von Center for Environmental Systems Research. Online verfügbar unter kobra.uni-kassel.de/handle/123456789/11591.
  • Göpel, Jan; Schüngel, Jan; Stuch, Benjamin; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2020):
    Assessing the effects of agricultural intensification on natural habitats and biodiversity in Southern Amazonia.
    In: PLOS ONE 15 (11), e0225914. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225914. Online verfügbar unter journals.plos.org/plosone/article.
  • Mitter, Hermine; Techen, Anja-K; Sinabell, Franz; Helming, Katharina; Schmid, Erwin; Bodirsky, Benjamin L.; Holman, Ian; Kok, Kasper; Lehtonen, Heikki; Leip, Adrian; Le Mouël, Chantal; Mathijs, Erik; Mehdi, Bano; Mittenzwei, Klaus; Mora, Olivier; Øistad, Knut; Øygarden, Lillian; Priess, Jörg A.; Reidsma, Pytrik; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Schönhart, Martin (2020):
    Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture and food systems.
    The Eur-Agri-SSPs. In: Global Environmental Change 65, S. 102159. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2020.102159.
  • Schaldach, Rüdiger; Göpel, Jan; Schüngel, Jan (2020):
    An Integrated Modelling Approach for Land Use Changes on Different Scales.
    In: Wilfried Mirschel, Vitaly V. Terleev und Karl-Otto Wenkel (Hg.): Landscape Modelling and Decision Support. 1st ed. 2020. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Innovations in Landscape Research), S. 509–524.
  • Schaldach, Rüdiger; Simon, Karl-Heinz; Weismüller, Jens; Wohlgemuth, Volker (2020):
    Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics.
    ICT for Sustainable Solutions. 1st ed. 2020 (Progress in IS). Online verfügbar unter doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30862-9.
  • Stuch, Benjamin; Alcamo, Joseph; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2020):
    Projected climate change impacts on mean and year-to-year variability of yield of key smallholder crops in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    In: Climate and Development 49 (3), S. 1–15. DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2020.1760771.
  • Hinz, R.; Sulser, T. B.; Huefner, R.; Mason‐D’Croz, D.; Dunston, S.; Nautiyal, S.; Ringler, C.; Schuengel, J.; Tikhile, P.; Wimmer, F.; Schaldach, R. (2020):
    Agricultural Development and Land Use Change in India.
    A Scenario Analysis of Trade‐Offs Between UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In: Earth's Future 8 (2), S. 841. DOI: 10.1029/2019EF001287.


  • Stuch, Benjamin; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2019):
    Modelling land use and land cover change for assessing trade-offs between agricultural intensification and agricultural expansion strategies.
    In: Rüdiger Schaldach, Karl-Heinz Simon, Jens Weismüller und Volker Wohlgemuth (Hg.): Environmental Informatics: Computational Sustainability: ICT methods to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Adjunct Proceedings of the 33rd edition of the EnviroInfo – the long standing and established international and interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental information and communication technologies. 1. Auflage. Düren: Shaker (Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik), S. 82–88.
  • Goswami, Mrinalini; Ravishankar, Chaya; Nautiyal, Sunil; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2019):
    Integrated Landscape Modelling in India.
    Evaluating the Scope for Micro-Level Spatial Analysis over Temporal Scale. In: Satish Chandra Garkoti, Skip J. van Bloem und Peter Z. Fulé (Hg.): Tropical Ecosystems. Structure, Functions and Challenges in the Face of Global Change. 1st ed. 2019. Singapore: Springer Singapore, S. 289–315.
  • Mitter, Hermine; Techen, Anja-K.; Sinabell, Franz; Helming, Katharina; Kok, Kasper; Priess, Jörg A.; Schmid, Erwin; Bodirsky, Benjamin L.; Holman, Ian; Lehtonen, Heikki; Leip, Adrian; Le Mouël, Chantal; Mathijs, Erik; Mehdi, Bano; Michetti, Melania; Mittenzwei, Klaus; Mora, Olivier; Øygarden, Lillian; Reidsma, Pytrik; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Schönhart, Martin (2019):
    A protocol to develop Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture.
    In: Journal of Environmental Management 252, S. 109701. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109701. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479719314197/pdfft.
  • Koch, Jennifer; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Göpel, Jan (2019):
    Can agricultural intensification help to conserve biodiversity? A scenario study for the African continent.
    In: Journal of Environmental Management 247, S. 29–37. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.06.015.


  • Göpel, Jan; Barros Viana Hissa, Leticia de; Schüngel, Jan; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2018):
    Sensitivity assessment and evaluation of a spatially explicit land-use model for Southern Amazonia.
    In: Ecological Informatics 48, S. 69–79. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2018.08.006.
  • Göpel, Jan; Schüngel, Jan; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Meurer, Katharina H. E.; Jungkunst, Hermann F.; Franko, Uwe; Boy, Jens; Strey, Robert; Strey, Simone; Guggenberger, Georg; Hampf, Anna; Parker, Phillip (2018):
    Future land use and land cover in Southern Amazonia and resulting greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils.
    In: Regional Environmental Change 18 (1), S. 129–142. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-017-1235-0.
  • Gollnow, Florian; Göpel, Jan; deBarros Viana Hissa, Letícia; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Lakes, Tobia (2018):
    Scenarios of land-use change in a deforestation corridor in the Brazilian Amazon.
    Combining two scales of analysis. In: Regional Environmental Change 18 (1), S. 143–159. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-017-1129-1.
  • Schaldach, Rüdiger; Meurer, Katharina H. E.; Jungkunst, Hermann F.; Nendel, Claas; Lakes, Tobia; Gollnow, Florian; Göpel, Jan; Boy, Jens; Guggenberger, Georg; Strey, Robert; Strey, Simone; Berger, Thomas; Gerold, Gerhard; Schönenberg, Regine; Böhner, Jürgen; Schindewolf, Marcus; Latynskiy, Evgeny; Hampf, Anna; Parker, Phillip S.; Sentelhas, Paulo César (2018):
    A model-based assessment of the environmental impact of land-use change across scales in Southern Amazonia.
    In: Regional Environmental Change 18 (1), S. 161–173. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-017-1244-z.
  • Koch, Jennifer; Wimmer, Florian; Schaldach, Rüdiger (2018):
    Analyzing the relationship between urbanization, food supply and demand, and irrigation requirements in Jordan.
    In: The Science of the total environment 636, S. 1500–1509. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.058.


  • O’Brien, Meghan; Wechsler, D.; Bringezu, S.; Schaldach, R. (2017):
    Toward a systemic monitoring of the European bioeconomy.
    Gaps, needs and the integration of sustainability indicators and targets for global land use. In: Land Use Policy 66, S. 162–171. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.04.047.
  • Schönenberg, Regine; Boy, Jens; Hartberger, Korbinian; Schumann, Charlotte; Guggenberger, Georg; Siebold, Matthias; Lakes, Tobia; Lamparter, Gabriele; Schindewolf, Marcus; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Nendel, Claas; Hohnwald, Stefan; Meurer, Katharina H. E.; Gerold, Gerhard; Klingler, Michael (2017):
    Experiences of inter- and transdisciplinary research – a trajectory of knowledge integration within a large research consortium.
    In: Erdkunde 71 (3), S. 177–193. DOI: 10.3112/erdkunde.2017.03.02.
  • Schaldach, Rüdiger; Göpel, Jan; Klingler, Michael (2017):
    The role of future land-use change in Southern Amazonia to reach the aims of Brazil’s National Climate Plan.
    In: Erdkunde 71 (3), S. 213–230. DOI: 10.3112/erdkunde.2017.03.04.
  • Göpel, Jan; Schüngel, Jan; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Meurer, Katharina H. E.; Jungkunst, Hermann F.; Franko, Uwe; Boy, Jens; Strey, Robert; Strey, Simone; Guggenberger, Georg; Hampf, Anna; Parker, Phillip (2017):
    Future land use and land cover in Southern Amazonia and resulting greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils.
    In: Reg Environ Change 209 (2), S. 169. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-017-1235-0.
  • Gollnow, Florian; Göpel, Jan; deBarros Viana Hissa, Letícia; Schaldach, R.; Lakes, Tobia (2017):
    Scenarios of land-use change in a deforestation corridor in the Brazilian Amazon.
    Combining two scales of analysis. In: Reg Environ Change 209 (2–4), S. 169. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-017-1129-1.
  • Alexander, Peter; Prestele, Reinhard; Verburg, Peter H.; Arneth, Almut; Baranzelli, Claudia; Batista E Silva, Filipe; Brown, Calum; Butler, Adam; Calvin, Katherine; Dendoncker, Nicolas; Doelman, Jonathan C.; Dunford, Robert; Engstrom, Kerstin; Eitelberg, David; Fujimori, Shinichiro; Harrison, Paula A.; Hasegawa, Tomoko; Havlik, Petr; Holzhauer, Sascha; Humpenoder, Florian; Jacobs-Crisioni, Chris; Jain, Atul K.; Krisztin, Tamas; Kyle, Page; Lavalle, Carlo; Lenton, Tim; Liu, Jiayi; Meiyappan, Prasanth; Popp, Alexander; Powell, Tom; Sands, Ronald D.; Schaldach, R.; Stehfest, Elke; Steinbuks, Jevgenijs; Tabeau, Andrzej; van Meijl, Hans; Wise, Marshall A.; Rounsevell, Mark D. A. (2017):
    Assessing uncertainties in land cover projections.
    In: Global Change Biology 23 (2), S. 767–781. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13447.
  • Thrän, Daniela; Arendt, Oliver; Banse, Martin; Braun, Julian; Fritsche, Uwe; Gärtner, Sven; Hennenberg, Klaus J.; Hünneke, Katja; Millinger, Markus; Ponitka, Jens; Rettenmaier, Nils; Schaldach, R.; Schüngel, Jan; Wern, Bernhard; Wolf, Verena (2017):
    Strategy Elements for a Sustainable Bioenergy Policy Based on Scenarios and Systems Modeling.
    Germany as Example. In: Chem. Eng. Technol. 40 (2), S. 211–226. DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201600259.


  • Murguía, Diego I.; Bringezu, S.; Schaldach, R. (2016):
    Global direct pressures on biodiversity by large-scale metal mining: Spatial distribution and implications for conservation.
    In: Journal of Environmental Management 180, S. 409–420. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.05.040. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479716302894.
  • Thrän, Daniela; Schaldach, R.; Millinger, Markus; Wolf, Verena; Arendt, Oliver; Ponitka, Jens; Gärtner, Sven; Rettenmaier, Nils; Hennenberg, Klaus; Schüngel, Jan (2016):
    The MILESTONES modeling framework.
    An integrated analysis of national bioenergy strategies and their global environmental impacts. In: Environmental Modelling & Software 86, S. 14–29. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.09.005.
  • van Soesbergen, Arnout; Arnell, Andrew P.; Sassen, Marieke; Stuch, Benjamin; Schaldach, R.; Göpel, Jan; Vervoort, Joost; Mason-D’Croz, Daniel; Islam, Shahnila; Palazzo, Amanda (2016):
    Exploring future agricultural development and biodiversity in Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.
    A spatially explicit scenario-based assessment. In: Reg Environ Change 22 (2), S. 112. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-016-0983-6.
  • Prestele, Reinhard; Alexander, Peter; Rounsevell, Mark D. A.; Arneth, Almut; Calvin, Katherine; Doelman, Jonathan; Eitelberg, David A.; Engstrom, Kerstin; Fujimori, Shinichiro; Hasegawa, Tomoko; Havlik, Petr; Humpenoder, Florian; Jain, Atul K.; Krisztin, Tamas; Kyle, Page; Meiyappan, Prasanth; Popp, Alexander; Sands, Ronald D.; Schaldach, R.; Schungel, Jan; Stehfest, Elke; Tabeau, Andrzej; van Meijl, Hans; van Vliet, Jasper; Verburg, Peter H. (2016):
    Hotspots of uncertainty in land-use and land-cover change projections.
    A global-scale model comparison. In: Global Change Biology 22 (12), S. 3967–3983. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13337.
  • Nautiyal, S.; Schaldach, R. (2016):
    Research Approach to Analyze Climate Change Impacts in Rural Regions of India and to Explore Potential Adaptation Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Development.
    In: S. Nautiyal, R. Schaldach und K. V. Raju (Hg.): Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building. Exploring Potential Adaptation Strategies for Bio-resource Conservation and Livelihood Development (Environmental Science and Engineering), S. 561–579.


  • Wimmer, F.; Audsley, E.; Malsy, M.; Savin, C.; Dunford, R.; Harrison, P. A.; Schaldach, R.; Flörke, M. (2015):
    Modelling the effects of cross-sectoral water allocation schemes in Europe.
    In: Climatic Change 128 (3-4), S. 229–244. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1161-9. Online verfügbar unter dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10584-014-1161-9.


  • Volland, J.; Koch, J.; Onigkeit, J.; Wimmer, F.; Schaldach, R. (2014):
    Land-use modelling in the GLOWA Jordan River Project Documentation of simulation results.
    Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), University of Kassel. Kassel (CESR-Paper, 7). Online verfügbar unter www.upress.uni-kassel.de/katalog/abstract.php.


  • Stuch, B.; Schaldach, R.; Schüngel, J. (2013):
    A Model Based Method to Assess Climate Change Impacts on Rain-Fed Farming Systems.
    How to Analyze Crop-Yield Variability? In: S. Nautiyal, K.S Rao, Harald Kaechele, K.V Raju und R. Schaldach (Hg.): Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Environmental Science and Engineering), S. 489–510.
  • Schaldach, R.; Wimmer, F.; Koch, J.; Volland, J.; Geißler, K.; Köchy, M. (2013):
    Model-based analysis of the environmental impacts of grazing management on Eastern Mediterranean ecosystems in Jordan.
    In: Journal of Environmental Management 127, Supplement, S. S84 - S95. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.11.024. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479712006093.
  • Heubes, J.; Schmidt, M.; Stuch, B.; Garcia Marquez, J. R.; Wittig, R.; Zizka, G.; Thiombiano, A.; Sinsin, B.; Schaldach, R.; Hahn, K. (2013):
    The projected impact of climate and land use change on plant diversity: An example from West Africa.
    In: Journal of Arid Environments 96, S. 48–54. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2013.04.008. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140196313000815.
  • Humpenöder, F.; Schaldach, R.; Cikovani, Y.; Schebek, L. (2013):
    Effects of land-use change on the carbon balance of 1st generation biofuels: An analysis for the European Union combining spatial modeling and LCA.
    In: Biomass and Bioenergy 56, S. 166–178. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2013.05.003. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0961953413002274.


  • Koch, J.; Wimmer, F.; Onigkeit, J.; Schaldach, R. (2012):
    An Integrated Land-Use System Model for the Jordan River Region.
    In: S. Appiah-Opoku (Hg.): Environmental Land Use Planning. Rijeka: InTech Open Science, S. 87–116. Online verfügbar unter www.intechopen.com/chapters/40781.
  • Koch, J.; Wimmer, F.; Schaldach, R.; Onigkeit, J.; Folberth, C. (2012):
    Modelling the impact of climate change on irrigation area demand in the Jordan River.
    In: R. Seppelt, A. A. Voinov, S. Lange und D. Bankamp (Hg.): International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software 2012. Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. Sixth Biennial Meeting. Leipzig, Germany, 1-5 July 2012. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Online verfügbar unter www.iemss.org/iemss2012/proceedings/F3_0752_Wimmer_et_al.pdf.
  • Schaldach, R.; Koch, J.; Aus der Beek, T.; Kynast, E.; Flörke, M. (2012):
    Current and future irrigation water requirements in pan-Europe: An integrated analysis of socio-economic and climate scenarios.
    In: Global and Planetary Change 94–95, S. 33–45. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.06.004. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818112001166.


  • Alcamo, J.; Schaldach, R.; Koch, J.; Kölking, C.; Lapola, D. M.; Priess, J. A. (2011):
    Evaluation of an integrated land use change model including a scenario analysis of land use change for continental Africa.
    In: Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (8), S. 1017–1027. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.03.002. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815211000612.
  • Schaldach, R.; Alcamo, J.; Koch, J.; Kölking, C.; Lapola, D. M.; Schüngel, J.; Priess, J. A. (2011):
    An integrated approach to modelling land-use change on continental and global scales.
    In: Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (8), S. 1041–1051. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.02.013. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815211000570.
  • Koch, J.; Onigkeit, J.; Schaldach, R.; Alcamo, J.; Köchy, M.; Wolff, H.-P.; Kan, I. (2011):
    Land-use Change Scenarios for the Jordan River Region.
    In: International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental System 3 (1), S. 25–31. DOI: 10.5383/swes.03.01.005.
  • Schaldach, R.; Priess, J. A.; Alcamo, J. (2011):
    Simulating the impact of biofuel development on country-wide land-use change in India.
    In: Biomass and Bioenergy 35 (6), S. 2401–2410. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2010.08.048. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0961953410003053.


  • Schaldach, A.; Lapola, D.; Jessen, U.; Thees, U.; Schaldach, R. (2010):
    Development of a land-use component for an integrated model of the German biogas system.
    (Session 13). In: D. A. Swayne, W. Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. E. Rizzoli und T. Filatova (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software 2010. Modelling for Environment's Sake. Fifth Biennial Meeting. Ottawa, Canada, July 5-8, 2010. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Online verfügbar unter former.iemss.org/sites/iemss2010//proceedings.html.
  • Kölking, C.; Schaldach, R.; Koch, J.; Lapola, D. M.; Bartocha, G.; Giese, O. (2010):
    Assessing factors of relevance for the global occurrence of cropland.
    In: A. Gnauck (Hg.): Modellierung und Simulation von Ökosystemen. Workshop Kölpinsee 2009. Kölpinsee. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, S. 87–101.
  • Misselhorn, A.; Challinor, A.; Thornton, P.; Jones, J. W.; Schaldach, R.; Plocq-Fichelet, V. (2010):
    Chapter 20: Surprises and Possibilities.
    In: J. Ingram, P. Ericksen und D. Liverman (Hg.): Food security and global environmental change: Earthscan Ltd., S. 318–341.
  • Schüngel, J.; Teichert, E.; Flörke, M.; Schaldach, R. (2010):
    Trinkwassernutzung im globalen Wandel - Räumliche Modellierung der Bevölkerungsdynamik und deren Einfluss auf die regionale Wassernutzung von Haushalten.
    In: J. Wittmann und D. K. Maretis (Hg.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Workshop Osnabrück 2010. Osnabrück. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, S. 155.
  • Aus der Beek, T.; Flörke, M.; Lapola, D. M.; Schaldach, R.; Voß, F.; Teichert, E. (2010):
    Modelling historical and current irrigation water demand on the continental scale: Europe.
    In: Advances in Geosciences 27, S. 79–85. DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-27-79-2010. Online verfügbar unter www.adv-geosci.net/27/79/2010/.
  • Lapola, D.; Schaldach, R.; Alcamo, J.; Bondeau, A.; Koch, J.; Kölking, C.; Priess, J. (2010):
    Indirect land-use changes can overcome carbon savings by biofuels in Brazil.
    In: PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 107 (8), S. 3388–3393.
  • Lapola, D. M.; Schaldach, R.; Alcamo, J.; Bondeau, A.; Msangi, S.; Priess, J. A.; Silvestrini, R.; Soares-Filho, B. S. (2010):
    Impacts of Climate Change and the End of Deforestation on Land Use in the Brazilian Legal Amazon.
    In: Earth Interact 15 (16), S. 1–29. DOI: 10.1175/2010EI333.1. Online verfügbar unter dx.doi.org/10.1175/2010EI333.1.


  • Koch, J.; Schaldach, R.; Kölking, C. (2009):
    Modelling the impact of rangeland management strategies on (semi-)natural vegetation in Jordan.
    In: R. S. Anderssen, R. D. Braddock und Newham, L. T. H. (Hg.): 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Cairns, Australia, July 13-17th, 2009. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, S. 1929–1935.
  • Schaldach, R.; Koch, J. (2009):
    Conceptual design and implementation of a model for the integrated simulation of large-scale land-use systems.
    In: I. N. Athanasiadis, P. A. Mitkas, A. E. Rizzoli und J. Marx-Gómez (Hg.): Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering. Berlin: Springer Verlag, S. 425–438.
  • Weiß, M.; Schaldach, R.; Alcamo, J.; Flörke, M. (2009):
    Quantifying the Human Appropriation of Fresh Water by African Agriculture.
    In: Ecology and Society 14 (2), S. 25. Online verfügbar unter www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol14/iss2/art25/.
  • Schaldach, R.; Flörke, M.; Lapola, D. (2009):
    A model-based assessment of the potential role of irrigated cropland for biogas production in Europe.
    In: Advances in Geosciences 21, S. 85–90. DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-21-85-2009. Online verfügbar unter www.adv-geosci.net/21/85/2009/.
  • Schaldach, R. (2009):
    Modeling of Large-Scale Land Use Change.
    Habilitation im Fach Umweltsystemtechnik / Umweltsystemanalyse. Universität Kassel, Kassel, Germany. Center for Environmental Systems Research.
  • Menzel, L.; Koch, J.; Onigkeit, J.; Schaldach, R. (2009):
    Modelling the effects of land-use and land-cover change on water availability in the Jordan River region.
    In: Advances in Geosciences 21, S. 73–80. DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-21-73-2009. Online verfügbar unter www.adv-geosci.net/21/73/2009/.


  • Schaldach, R.; Priess, J. A. (2008):
    Integrated Models of the Land System: A review of modelling approaches on the regional to global scale.
    In: Living Reviews in Landscape Research 2 (1). DOI: 10.12942/lrlr-2008-1. Online verfügbar unter www.livingreviews.org/lrlr-2008-1.
  • Koch, J.; Schaldach, R.; Köchy, M. (2008):
    Modeling the impacts of grazing land management on land-use change for the Jordan River region.
    In: Global and Planetary Change 64 (3–4), S. 177–187. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.09.005. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818108001288.


  • Schaldach, R.; Alcamo, J. (2007):
    Simulating the effects of urbanization, afforestation and cropland abandonment on a regional carbon balance: a case study for Central Germany.
    In: Regional Environmental Change 7 (3), S. 137–148. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-007-0034-4. Online verfügbar unter dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10113-007-0034-4.


  • Koch, J.; Schaldach, R. (2006):
    Adapting a Land Use Change Model to the Jordan River Region.
    In: Y. Ünal, C. Kahya und D. Demirhan Bari (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change and the Middle East: Past, Present and Future. International Conference on Climate Change and the Middle East: Past, Present and Future, S. 358–364.
  • Alcamo, J.; Schaldach, R. (2006):
    LandShift: Global Modelling to Assess Land Use Change.
    In: K. Tochtermann und A. Scharl (Hg.): EnviroInfo 2006: Managing Environmental Knowledge. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection. Graz, Austria, September 6-8th, 2006: Shaker Verlag, S. 223–230.
  • Schaldach, R.; Alcamo, J.; Heistermann, M. (2006):
    The multiplescale land use change model LandShift: a scenario analysis of land use change and environmental consequences in Africa.
    In: A. Voinov, A. J. Jakeman und A. E. Rizzoli (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software 2006. Third Biennial Meeting. Burlington, Vermont, USA, July 9th-13th, 2006. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).
  • Schaldach, R.; Alcamo, J. (2006):
    Coupled simulation of regional land use change and soil carbon sequestration: A case study for the state of Hesse in Germany.
    In: Environmental Modelling & Software 21 (10), S. 1430–1446. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2005.07.005. Online verfügbar unter www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815205001507.


  • Priess, J. A.; Heistermann, M.; Schaldach, R.; Onigkeit, J.; Mimler, M.; Trinks, D.; Alcamo, J. (2005):
    Klimawandel und Landwirtschaft in Hessen: Mögliche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf landwirtschaftliche Erträge.
    Abschlussbericht des Wissenschaftlichen Zentrums für Umweltsystemforschung (USF). Universität Kassel für INKLIM Baustein 2. Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz.
  • Schaldach, R.; Busch, G. (2005):
    Simulation of land use change and its effects on carbon sequestration in agricultural soils in the state of Hesse.
    In: W. L. Filho, J. M. Gomez und C. Rautenbach (Hg.): Proceedings of the Second International ICSC Symposium on Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (ITEE'2005). Second International ICSC Symposium on Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (ITEE'2005). Magdeburg, Germany: Shaker Verlag, S. 321–335.


  • Schaldach, R. (2004):
    Räumliche Modellierung der Dynamik von Landnutzung in Hessen und ihrer Wirkung auf die biologische Kohlenstoffspeicherung: Entwicklung eines GIS-basierten Modellsystems.
    Dissertation. Universität Kassel, Kassel, Germany. FB 16: Elektrotechnik/Informatik. Online verfügbar unter nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-1335.
  • Schaldach, R. (2004):
    Modellierung des Einflusses von Landnutzungsänderung auf biogene Quellen und Senken von Treibhausgasen in Hessen: Das Modellsystem HILLS.
    In: J. Wittmann und R. Wieland (Hg.): Simulation in Umwelt und Geowissenschaften. Workshop Müncheberg 2004. Müncheberg: Shaker Verlag, S. 27–38.


  • Schaldach, R. (2003):
    A GIS-Based Integrated Simulation Environment For Linking Land Use Pattern To Ecosystem Processes.
    In: A. Gnauck und R. Heinrich (Hg.): Proceedings of the 17th International Conference Informatics For Environmental Protection, Cottbus 2003. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, S. 246–252.