Transboundary Water Assessment Programme


The Transboundary River Basins (RB) component of the Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) is undertaking the first truly global, comprehensive baseline assessment of transboundary river basins. The implementation phase runs from March 2013 to March 2015. The project is funded by the Global Environment Facility, and 12 partners involved in the assessment. There are a total of 276 transboundary river basins, covering 149 countries. The proportion of each country with a basin is referred to as the Basin-Country-Unit (BCU). Within the 276 basins, there are a total of 751 BCUs. The aim of the project is to assess all transboundary river basins and their respective BCUs based on 14 core indicators covering 5 ‘clusters’ of issues. Within this project CESR is responsible for developing the three indicators (i) Environmental Water Stress, (ii) Agricultural Water Stress, and (iii) Lake Influence. Furthermore, the Center provides WaterGAP outcomes to other partners and also contributes to the overall indicator assessment and reporting. 

Funding agency

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Project duration

January 2013  −  December 2015

Project management

Martina Flörke

Project staff

Christof Schneider

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