Work Packages

Work Package 1:

So­ci­al-eco­lo­gi­cal tra­de-offs around the cul­ti­va­ti­on of land­scape pro­ducts

Which ecosystem services trade-offs does the cultivation of landscape products create, and how are these benefitting or harming different actors and actor groups?

    This WP aims to investigate the social-ecological co-generation of landscape products and the associated ecosystem services, advance the assessment of ecosystem services synergies, trade-offs, and bundles, and provide the research community with an innovative method to understand the complex social-ecological interactions around ecosystem services.

    1. How are ac­tors seg­men­ted around land­scape pro­ducts, their cha­rac­te­ris­tics, and vi­si­ons?
    2. What are the eco­sys­tem ser­vice tra­de-offs, syn­er­gies, and bund­les around cul­ti­va­ti­on of land­scape pro­ducts?
    3. How are the so­ci­al ac­tor cha­rac­te­ris­tics and eco­sys­tem ser­vices in­ter­lin­ked?

    Work Package 2:

    Flows between places of production and consumption

    How is value of landscape products captured in multifunctional landscapes, and how are goods, financial resources, and information about these landscapes transmitted along the value chains to and from the distant places of distribution and consumption?

    WP 2 reveals the complex, multi-scale dynamics of landscape product value chains by comparing short-distance and long-distance value chains of landscape products, both in the Global South (Morocco) and the Global North (Portugal, Spain), combining methods from economic geography, anthropology, and social-ecological research, and testing how short- and long-distance value chains of landscape products can promote sustainable landscape management.

    1. Which are the key ac­tors and flows of goods and fi­nan­ce in the va­lue chains of land­scape pro­ducts?

    2. What know­ledge, re­la­ti­ons­hips, va­lues, and prac­tices do ac­tors in re­tail, pro­ces­sing, and con­sump­ti­on ha­ve con­cerning the land­scapes of ori­gin and their pro­ducts?

    3. How is feed­back about the im­pacts of land­scape pro­ducts trans­mit­ted from pro­du­cer land­scapes to dis­tant pla­ces of dis­tri­bu­ti­on and con­sump­ti­on?

    Work Package 3:

    Overall research outcome - key leverage points

    What are the key leverage points in value chains of landscape products that support a transition toward sustainable landscape management?

    The synthesis will create added value to the whole project by organising a process of integrating all project results and generalizing them into a consistent research line, and identifying leverage points in value chains that can scale up sustainable landscape management.

    1. How do va­lue chains shape and mo­di­fy mul­ti­func­tio­nal land­scapes?

    2. What are the le­ver­age points for sustainable land­scape ma­nage­ment?