25.08.2014 | ITeG

AwareCast 2014 Workshop auf der UbiComp 2014 - 14.09.14 in Seattle, USA

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus David und Dr.-Ing. Rico Kusber vom Fachgebiet Kommunikationstechnik (ComTec) organisieren zusammen mit Wissenschaftlern aus Malaysia, Göttingen und den USA den "3rd Workshop on recent advances in behavior prediction and pro-active pervasive computing" (AwareCast 2014). AwareCast 2014 wird am 14. September 2014 im Rahmen der ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014) in Seattle, USA stattfinden.

Der thematische Rahmen dieser Konferenz wird wie folgt beschrieben:

Context prediction breaks the border from reaction on past and present stimuli to proactive anticipation of actions. Research directions spread from applications for context prediction over event prediction, architectures for context prediction, data formats, and algorithms. Recent work focuses on three main challenges:

- Prediction beyond location
- Benchmarks and common data sets
- Common development frameworks

While there have been contributions targeting some of these challenges, we still see them as unsolved. Thus we invite unique contribution addressing these challenges and provide a forum to facilitate collaboration among research groups focusing on context prediction.

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