
Interview with Maria Paz Catalan for alummni network of USM (Chile)

María Paz Catalán Palma, research assistant in INCHER's Q2D2 project in 2022 and Master student in the Science, Economic Behavior and Governance program, has benn interviewed for the publication of the alummni network of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile), where she graduated as Ingeniera Comercial. In the interview, she describes her position and the scope of work at INCHER.

María Paz Catalán Palma, an industrial engineer at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (graduated in 2015), studied in a Master of Science, Economic Behavior and Governance program at the University of Kassel in 2020, today, she is working at her PhD thesis. At the time of the interview, she was research assistant in the Q2D2 project investigating qual­ity as­sur­ance in­sti­tu­tions and qual­ity de­vel­op­ments in eco­nomic and so­cial sci­ence dis­ser­ta­tions in Ger­many. The project is headed by Professor Guido Bünstorf.

Link to the interview:

Source: https://exalumnos.usm.cl/