C4 - Solar Cooling

The fourth SolNet PhD course on
"Solar Cooling"

was held on 3 - 11 March 2008
in Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

General information

The main topic of the course was Solar Cooling technology, including the following aspects: Cooling load calculations, its impact on system design and on the thermodynamics and planning issues of open sorption, absorption and adsorption cooling systems. Solar and cooling district heating systems.

The secondary topic of the course was International standards and norms.

Approximately 120 hours in total 4 ECTS points

Course description

The lectures covered the topics on solar cooling.

The students were assigned a solar cooling project to individually develop previously to the course, and it was presented during the course. The projects were assigned by the 3rd of February. During the course, the students worked further on their projects in groups of two or three under the supervision of lecturers. As a conclusion, the resulting works were compared and the differences in the results highlighted.

The projects differed from each other according to the following parameters: climatic zone, thermal driven technology and end user typology.

The students used the simulation tool they have chosen.

There was a technical visit to Robur, a manufacturer of absorption chillers, and to the experimental Lab building at Cimiano (Milan), a small scale solar heating and cooling plant equipped with a monitoring system for its analysis.

Lectures were given by Prof. Dr. Mario Motta, Prof. Dr. Ursula Eicker, Prof. Jan Olof Dalenback, Eng. Marcello Aprile.

The Ph.D. students participating in the course were able to create a valuable network.
Software assessment necessary data:

  • Loads description
  • Description of preliminary design parameters
  • Energy performance figures
  • Economic performance figures


Course Schedule

Course Schedule is available here.

