Model factory µPlant

The Department of Measurement and Control operates the  model factory µPlant. It consists of two process islands, a manufacturing cell, two botteling/emptying stations, a mobile autonomous transport multi-robot system and a control stand. µPlant reproduces the production of individualized lemonade with flavor balls. Therefore, several automation and information systems are used, which are integrated. µPlant is used for research  and teaching.

Industry 4.0 training and use of the model factory as a test bed

The measurement and control technology department offers training courses on the topic of "Industry 4.0". There are various modules that can be combined to form courses of different lengths. The model factory can also be used as an Industry 4.0 test bed. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Kroll with a brief explanation of your request:  andreas.kroll[at]mrt.uni-kassel[dot]de.

Membership in Industry 4.0 platforms

I4.0-Testumgebungen für KMU

National contact and coordination office "Industry 4.0 test environments for SMEs - I4KMU" Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Plattform Industrie 4.0

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy / Federal Ministry for Education and Research


Rei­chen­säch­ser Lars Kist­ner ge­winnt Nach­wuchs-Preis für Ba­che­lor-Ar­beit

Artikel in der Werra-Rundschau vom 22.12.2017

An seinem Arbeitsplatz: Lars Kistner

Presseartikel über die Verleihung des VDMA-Preises für die beste Bachelor-Arbeit 2017 an Lars Kistner an der Modellfabrik µPlant.

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