Support Association

With regard to the further development of the orchestra, we welcome any support.

Your membership of the "Friends and Sponsors of Symphonic Music at the University of Kassel e.V.", which is committed to the continued existence and further development of the orchestra, would be a great help.

Board of Directors:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänlein, 1st Chairman
Dr. Marcus Baum, 2nd Chairman
Judit Simandi, Treasurer
Josepha Schumacher, Secretary

The declaration of membership is now available as a PDF file. It can be read and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Please send the completed form to
Judit Simandi, Kölnische Str. 121, 34119 Kassel.

Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free of charge (if not already installed) from the Adobe homepage

Kind donations are requested to:

Donation account:
Verein der Freunde und Förderer sinfonischer Musik an der Universität Kassel,
Account 66662, Kasseler Sparkasse (BLZ 520 503 53)
IBAN: DE17 5205 0353 0000 0666 62, BIC: HELADEF1KAS
Purpose: Donation, your address.

If you wish to receive a donation receipt, please state your address in the reference field of your transfer. We will then send you a donation receipt immediately. We store your data for a period of three years so that we can forward it to your tax office on request. If you do not agree to this or do not wish to receive a donation receipt, you do not need to provide your address.
(For amounts up to 300 euros, a so-called simplified receipt, for example the booking confirmation, is sufficient for the tax office for your tax return).