Dr. Nina Felgen

National funding - LOEWE, DFG, FMER, foundations, awards

Image: Sonja Rode/Lichtfang.net
[Translate to Englisch:] Nina Felgen
Mönchebergstr. 19
34109 Kassel
Möncheberg 19, 3210
Dr. Anna Bauer

Work focuses  (Dr. Nina Felgen)

About  (Dr. Nina Felgen)

Dr. rer. nat. Nina Felgen (M.Sc.) has been with the Research Support team since March 2021, specialising in national funding including the Hessian LOEWE initiative. She has advised on numerous DFG project grant proposals as well as several large coordinated projects. Before going into funding advising, she was a doctoral researcher at the Institut für Nanostrukturtechnologie und Analytik (INA), receiving her doctorate in the field of Technical Physics at U Kassel, and, as manager of the scientific center CINSaT, coordinated successfully the grant application for the continuation of the center.