Why plusMINT?

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Why should you study plusMINT?

Here you will find a summary of what the plusMINT program is and what makes it special in answers for prospective students.

plusMINT is an orientation program that includes an an introductory orientation year seamlessly into a study focus from the STEM area Mathematics/Computer Science/Science/Technology.

The major is chosen only after the orientation phase, and the following subjects are available for selection

  • Civil engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Computer science
  • Mechatronics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Nanostructural sciences
  • Physics
  • Technomathematics
  • Environmental engineering

The scope and content of the majors correspond exactly to the identically named programs without an orientation phase; a degree in plusMINT therefore qualifies the student both for a professional career and for admission to a master's program.

The goal of the study program is that you will be optimally informed and prepared through the orientation phase in order to subsequently choose a major that exactly matches your inclinations and talents. On this basis, we want to enable you to successfully study your desired subject and additionally acquire interdisciplinary skills.

plusMINT is suitable for all those interested in STEM subjects,

  • who would like to orient themselves supported by an intensive support and counseling program,
  • who are not yet committed to a specific field of study, but would like to learn more about different options first,
  • who would like to find out whether a course of study in general is right for them,
  • who would like to get to knowstudying under realistic conditions, including taking exams,
  • who would like to consolidate their basic knowledge of mathematics and science or, as international students, their knowledge of German before entering the subject area of their studies,
  • who would like to start their studies more gently and with less pressure to perform,
  • who would like to acquire broad interdisciplinary skills in addition to their specialized studies.

The plusMINT degree program is structured in two stages and begins with a two-semester orientation phaseDuring this phase, you will attend specially designed orientation events and participate in individually selected subject modules from the main areas of study.

The following courses are offered during the orientation phase:

When you re-register for the third semester, you decide on a major and then study this major for a further six or seven semesters, depending on the major, together with fellow students from the corresponding analogous bachelor's degree program.

plusMINT is an innovative degree program in which the orientation year is integrated into a degree program leading to professional qualification.

Compared to the orientation programs offered by other universities, plusMINT offers several advantages:

  • BAföG can be applied for as early as the start of the orientation year, and the maximum funding period is two semesters longer than in the conventional degree program.
  • During the orientation year, you will get to know all ten majors and their professional fields and acquire interdisciplinary skills.
  • Student buddies, plusMINT staff and professors will support and advise you in the orientation process and the choice of focus.
  • You can both consolidate your basic subject knowledge and take module examinations from all areas of study; examinations passed are recognized in the area of study.
  • After the orientation year, you will continue your studies in one of the ten concentrations without changing your major; a place in the desired concentration is guaranteed.
  • At the University of Kassel, interdisciplinary cooperation and responsibility for the environment and society have always been of great importance.

The career prospects for graduates of STEM subjects are generally above average.

With a bachelor's degree plusMINT, you have all the competencies that students acquire in a classic bachelor's degree program, supplemented by additional interdisciplinary competencies that broaden your possible career spectrum.

Whether a career entry is recommended for you directly after the bachelor's degree or rather after a master's degree or even a doctorate depends on your major subject and your personal inclinations, everything is possible.

plusMINT suits all,

  • who have not yet made a definite decision on a single course of study
  • and to those who want more certainty before entering a specialized course of study.

You should bring with you

  • an interest in science and technology
  • as well as curiosity and the desire to think outside the box.

We look forward to meeting you!

Students tell

Here, Mirana and Niklas report on their plusMINT orientation year:

Any questions?

You want to know how the plusMINT study program is structured and which options you have? Then find out more about the study structure on our website.

If you have any further questions or need individual advice, please contact the plusMINT team by e-mail at plusmint@uni-kassel.de or by phone.