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The Department of Vehicle Systems and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (FSG) deals in research and teaching with problems in electrical engineering, electronics and mechatronics in vehicles. It is a founding member of the Institute of Propulsion and Vehicle Technology (IAF) at the University of Kassel. Since April 2023, the department has been led provisionally by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Ayeb. The focus is on energy efficiency, optimization and validation of electric vehicle systems and components, especially in the areas of on-board networks and e-drives. In addition to theoretical work, simulation, and testing and development methods, the focus is on experimental measurement, validation, model parameterization, and metrology, so that both common software tools and extensive test bench and laboratory facilities are available.

Logo of the Institute for Drive and Vehicle Technology (iaf)

Acting Head of Department
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Ayeb

Phone +49 561 804 - 6552

Nicole Schmidt

Wilhelmshöher Allee 73
D-34121 Kassel
Phone +49 561 804-6231
Fax +49 561 804-6233