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03/13/2024 | Power Electronics

Department of Power Electronics represents the University of Kassel in the final of the IEEE IFEC2024 competition

On 13.03.2024 it was announced that students from the Department of Power Electronics had reached the final of the IEEE IFEC2024 competition

Three students from the University of Kassel and two pupils from the Max-Eyth-Schule Kassel are representing the University of Kassel at this year's IEEE IFEC2024 competition under the guidance of Lennart Hoffmann and Dr. Christian Nöding (employees of the Department of Power Electronics). See News of 06.03.2024. On March 13, 2024, the University of Kassel received notification that the team had been admitted to the final.

In the remaining four months, the laboratory prototype must now be upgraded, measured and converted into a final structure with regard to the properties required in the competition. In addition to hardware components, the digital control system must also be optimized and expanded. In addition to a well-known Espressif ESP32, the team is using a Microchip SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ and an Intel Cyclone 10LP FPGA for signal processing.

We would like to thank our sponsor SMA Solar Technology AG, which has so far supported the trip to the USA in February with €2,500. The University of Kassel is also currently supporting the team's participation with €3,000. In addition to the pure travel costs, expenses for the development of the prototype and the subsequent demonstrator amounting to several thousand euros are still being incurred, which are currently being borne largely by the Power Electronics department itself.

Contact: Lennart Hoffmann / Dr.-Ing. Christian Nöding