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03/17/2024 | Power Electronics

Department of Power Electronics at the Fulda - Presentation on the "H2-Elsa" concept study

Jens Friebe, Bernhard Siano and Roland Gaber give lecture on "H2-Elsa"

On March 17, 2024, Professor Jens Friebe, Bernhard Siano (Department of Power Electronics) and Roland Gaber (Fraunhofer IEE) gave a presentation on a concept study for the planned electric boat "H2-Elsa", a hydrogen-powered passenger ship for the Fulda. It promises a sustainable alternative in the maritime sector and illustrates the diverse applications of hydrogen technologies.

Further details can be found in the HNA article: "Steamship Elsa to be resurrected: Researchers are working on a hybrid-electric passenger ship for the Fulda"