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03/17/2024 | Power Electronics

14 bachelor students of electrical engineering from Brazil visit the Power Electronics department

On March 18 and 19, a group of 14 electrical engineering bachelor students and their supervising professor Fernando Luiz Marcelo Antunes from the Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, visited the Department of Power Electronics

On March 18 and 19, a group of 14 bachelor students of electrical engineering and their supervising professor Fernando Luiz Marcelo Antunes from the Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, visited the Power Electronics department, SMA Solar Technologie AG and Volkswagen Group Components. The visit was sponsored by the DAAD.

The cooperation has already existed for over 15 years and has now been extended to the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis in Brazil on the basis of extensive funding from the DAAD together with the TU Munich.

We look forward to further exchanges and especially to students who want to write their theses at the Department of Power Electronics and perhaps decide to study for a Master's degree in Kassel afterwards.