Further development of a Massive-Multiplayer-Online-Real-Time-Strategy Game (MMORTS)

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Game development MMORTS

Within the project, an open source massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game (MMORTS), whose development began in the winter semester 2006/2007, is to be further developed. The main programming language is Java.

Tasks will be discussed in the whole group and solutions that fit into the overall concept will be developed. Individual students or small groups take over the independent implementation of subtasks. All game developers meet once a week to work out the current project status and the next upcoming steps and to program together.

Task areas

  • Artificial intelligence (agent model, pathfinding, steering)
  • Improvement of the Spile client (3D graphics, animation, sound)
  • Refinement of the server simulation (data-driven representation of the game world)
  • Editor for units and terrain
  • Expansion of the network capability

Participant group
Students of the diploma, bachelor or master program in computer science from the 5th semester and other interested parties.

Successful completion of the courses: Software Engineering 1, Algorithms and Data Structures, Introduction to Programming in Java, Programming Methodology.

Project leader

Prof. Dr. Claudia Leopold
Dennis Keßler

Preliminary discussion and further scheduling
Wednesday, 02.04.08 at 13.00 in the laboratory of the department (room 0646)


  • Bachelor 8 SWS / 12 ECTS
  • Master 4 SWS / 8 ECTS

Project Bachelor in the HISLSF online course catalog
Project Master in the HISLSF online course catalog
del.icio.us Links for the MMORTS project
Wiki of the MM ORTS project (login data required)
SourceForge.net Site of the MMORTS project, e.g. for task management, bug tracking, etc.

Interested? Questions? Please contact Prof. Dr. Claudia Leopold by e-mail. The earlier it is known how many interested people there are, the better the project can be planned and the event prepared.

Game development MMORTS

Within the project, an open source massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game (MMORTS), whose development began in the winter semester 2006/2007, is to be further developed. The main programming language is Java.

Tasks will be discussed in the whole group and solutions that fit into the overall concept will be developed. Individual students or small groups take over the independent implementation of subtasks. All game developers meet once a week to work out the current project status and the next upcoming steps and to program together.

Task areas

  • Artificial intelligence (agent model, pathfinding, steering)
  • Improvement of the Spile client (3D graphics, animation, sound)
  • Refinement of the server simulation (data-driven representation of the game world)
  • Editor for units and terrain
  • Expansion of the network capability

Students of the diploma, bachelor or master program in computer science from the 5th semester and other interested parties.


Successful completion of the courses: Software Engineering 1, Algorithms and Data Structures, Introduction to Programming in Java, Programming Methodology.

Project leader

Prof. Dr. Claudia Leopold
Dennis Keßler

Preliminary meeting and further scheduling
Wednesday, 02.04.08 at 13.00 in the laboratory of the department (room 0646)


  • Bachelor 8 SWS / 12 ECTS
  • Master 4 SWS / 8 ECTS

Project Bachelor in the HISLSF online course catalog
Project Master in the HISLSF online course catalog
del.icio.us Links for the MMORTS project
Wiki of the MM ORTS project (login data required)
SourceForge.net Site of the MMORTS project, e.g. for task management, bug tracking, etc.

Interested? Questions? Please contact Prof. Dr. Claudia Leopold by e-mail. The earlier it is known how many interested people there are, the better the project can be planned and the event prepared.