Espinchal - Huttopia

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Today 83km / h in the average, I (übrig Andreas) from the mountains down, Kathrin the rest!!! I felt like I was on the train. Only warmer it was, clearly. The people on the back seats slept through the heat v.a. and so made up the deficit from the previous day. "Stranger things" until well after 1:00. After the sleep phase then the kangaroo climbed to us into the car, which added to the general good mood positively.


In the house in the idyllic mountain village we have actually turned on the stove, so far up was that and accordingly cold. The heat has certainly also contributed to the late evening streaming. You can not imagine, with the heat on the highway. And then we have fully forgotten the delicious spring water of Espinchal in all already empty deposit bottles to fill. Très dommage.


The next two nights we spend in chalets on a campground (Huttopia). And it is located at the Antlantic. So there are still 10km to go. Again couscous salad. And then off to the beach. Such an Atlantic is still something completely different than the North Sea, not to mention the Baltic Sea. The waves that knocked us over were rather 2m high.


We make a study trip!!!!! Therefore, in the evening we calculated the circumference of the earth from the length of my shadow at 20:47. Without a calculator we came to about 40,000 km. We also calculated the half-life of an ominous atomic decay. Actually we thought it should be two days. But it was three. Well, we continue to study!