[Translate to englisch:] Projekt: RMS (Radfahrunterricht mit Multimedia Software)
With the media of computers and the development of multimedia learning software we created a supplement to the road-safety classes which links control knowledge with the concrete actions in the traffic events. The simulation of the traffic events should occur in an environment close to reality and not in an imagination world, so that a transfer on the everyday world is allowed. By the insertion of a virtual learning environment, as it is already applied, e.g., in the education by pilots, an acting learning also allows in the road safety education in an environment loyal to reality.
With technologies of the 3D-modelling traffic situations can become reproduced ones, and be explained, for example, from freely eligible perspectives. The operations of the learner, possible failure and from it resultant dangers are registered, indicated and evaluated as well as reflected. Single situations are free select and changeable. Therefore a training of the individual specific features is possible.
Now beside all experiences of a several years' developing work the extensive learning software "Bicycle world" is given. You take further information please from the project and distribution homepage:
Conductor: Dipl-Ing. Lars Holbein
Partner: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Medizinisch-Psychologisches Institut (MPI) des RWTÜV, Essen
Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)
Frau Dr. Zolg (FB 18)