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02/12/2024 | Language Centre

You‘ve failed your exam? Application for a resit

The date for the resit is: Thursday, 26 September 2024 between 9 am - 2 pm. An exam must always be retaken at the next possible date. This is the offical resit date for the current semester stipulated by the Language  Centre.

Please note:

  1. In principle, ONLY students at the University of Kassel who  have the  ECTS CREDITED to their degree programme are entitled to make-up or  retake their exam.

  2. In derogation from point 1, applications for a resit of exams taken to complete a UNIcert® level (= UNIcert® I, Part 4, German UNIcert® II, English UNIcert® II, Part 3, separate UNIcert® III exam) can be made regardlessby of status. However, a fee of €30 (resp. €79 for external guests) is due for all persons not mentioned under 1. 

Deadlines: An application to retake the exam and a registration for the resit must be made at the latest:

- Exam from the WiSe: by the end of the first week of March

- Exam from the SoSe: no later than 31 August

Where do I submit the application?You can find the application under Quicklinks. If the Language Centre approves your application, you will receive a registration code for the exam.

Good to know: Even if did not pass the exam, you can apply for a certificate of attendance (without grade and without ECTS), if your attendance has been sufficient (at least 60%). Please contact: sz[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.