Employees at the Department of Social Work and Social Welfare

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Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Aner, Kirsten
Professor, Section: Life Stages and Ageing
Aner, Kirsten
Prof. Dr. Banafsche, Minou
Professor, Section: Social Law
Prof. Dr. Bereswill, Mechthild
Professor, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Prof. Dr. Bode, Ingo
Professor, Section: Social Policy, Organization and Society
Bode, Ingo
Prof. Dr. Fischer-Lescano, Andreas
Professor, Section: Just Transitions
Image: Matej Meza/Uni Bremen
Fischer-Lescano, Andreas
Prof. Dr. Frericks, Patricia
Professor, Section: So­ci­ology and Eco­nomy of the Wel­fare State
Frericks, Patricia
Prof. Dr. Hirschberg, Marianne
Professor, Section: Disability, Inclusion and Social Participation
Hirschberg, Marianne
Prof. Dr. Höynck, Theresia
Professor, Section: Child and Juvenile Law
Höynck, Theresia
Prof. Dr. Hollederer, Alfons
Professor, Section: Theory and Empirics of Health
Hollederer, Alfons
Prof. Dr. James, Sigrid
Professor, Section: The­or­y and Meth­ods of Social Pedagogy
James, Sigrid
Prof. Dr. Kaul, Ina
Professor, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Work and Education
Kaul, Ina
Prof. Dr. Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah
Professor, Section: Sociological Methodology of Qualitative Reconstructive Research
Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah
Prof. Dr. Lindner, Reinhard
Professor, Section: Theory, Empirical Studies, and Methods for Social Therapy
Lindner, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Otyakmaz, Berrin Özlem
Professor, Section: Psychological Fundamentals of Social Work
Otyakmaz, Berrin Özlem
Prof. Dr. Schrödter, Mark
Professor, Section: Social Pedagogy of Children and Youth
Prof. Dr. Welti, Felix
Professor, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Welti, Felix
Prof. Dr. Westphal, Manuela
Professor, Section: Socialisation with an emphasis on Migration and Intercultural Education
Westphal, Manuela
Prof. Dr. Becker, Peter
Honorary Professor and Chief Judge at the Federal Social Court (ret.)
Dr. med. von der Stein, Bertram
Honorary Professor, Section:Theories and Methods of Psychosocial and Clinically Oriented Counseling
von der Stein, Bertram
Collard, Sabine
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Kirsten Aner
Eckelmann, Grit
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Minou Banafsche
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Theresia Höynck
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Ingo Bode
Herfeld, Iris
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Mechthild Bereswill
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Sigrid James
Herfeld, Iris
Ladwig, Edgar
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Alfons Hollederer
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Mark Schrödter
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Felix Welti
Ladwig, Edgar
Pitz, Christina
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Manuela Westphal
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Kirsten Aner
Schmauch, Rima
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer-Lescano
Schmoll, Sarah
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Patricia Frericks
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tikvah Kissmann
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Lindner
Prof. Dr. Kraus, Björn
Private Lecturer
Kraus, Björn
Arnold, Tim
Research Assistant, Section: The­ory, Em­pir­i­cism, and Meth­ods of So­cial Ther­apy
Image: PicturePeople
Arnold, Tim
Dr. Austermann, Nele
Research Associate, Section: Just Transitions
Barthel, Johanna
Research Associate, Section: Sociology and Economy of the Welfare State
Behboud, Nina
Research Assistant, Section: Socialisation with an emphasis on Migration and Intercultural Education
Beyerlein, Michael
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Beyerlein, Michael
Buhr, Henrike
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Dieckmännken, Ines
Research Assistant, Section: Theory and Empirics of Health
Dieckmännken, Ines
Dittmann, René
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Dittmann, René
Eckhardt, Lina
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Früchtenicht, Sophie
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Früchtenicht, Sophie
Görenekli, Fatime
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Görenekli, Fatime
Goergen, Femke
Research Assistant, Section: So­cial policy, Or­gan­isa­tion and So­ci­ety (Project PRoKita „Plurale Rollenkonflikte und Kollektivbewusstsein in Kitas“)
Goergen, Femke
Gormanns, Yvonne
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Work and Education
Gormanns, Yvonne
Dr. Gutmann, Andreas
Research Associate, Section: Just Transitions
Gutmann, Andreas
Haider, Jasmin
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Haider, Jasmin
Hellwig, Julia
Referent for Professional Practical Studies and Professional Internship
Höppner, Julia
Research Associate, Section: Sociology and Economy of the Welfare State
Dr. Hoier, Sabine
Referent for Professional Practical Studies and Professional Internship
Janßen, Christina
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Janßen, Christina
John, Timo
Research Assistant, Section: Social Pedagogy of Children and Youth
Jurasik, Jasmina
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Kilian, Juri
Research Assistant, Section: The­or­y and Meth­ods of Social Pedagogy
Kilian, Juri
Korn, Franziska
Research Assistant, Section: Socialisation with an emphasis on Migration and Intercultural Education
Korn, Franziska
Kuhn, Corinna
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Work and Education
Kuhn, Corinna
Müller-Behme, Patrik
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Parschick, Sarina
Research Assistant, Section: So­cial policy, Or­gan­isa­tion and So­ci­ety
Petermann, Fanny
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Pörner, Thomas
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Work and Education
Pörner, Thomas
Reimann, Janina
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Reimann, Janina
Reiß, Christin
Research Associate, Section: Just Transitions
Richter, Katja
Research Assistant, Section: Sociological Methodology of Qualitative Reconstructive Research
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Schülle, Mirjam
Research Assistant, Section: Disability, Inclusion and Social Participation
Schülle, Mirjam
Schulz, Inge
Research Assistant, Section: Sociological Methodology of Qualitative Reconstructive Research
Dr. Schulz, Sarah
Research Associate, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Schwarz, Stella
Research Assistant, Section: Child and Juvenile Law
Sillah, Fatou
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Stache, Stefan Andreas
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Stache, Stefan Andreas
Dr. Thalheim, Vinzenz
Research Associate, Section: Social Pedagogy of Children and Youth
Thalheim, Vinzenz
Dr. Tiedemann, Norma
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Tiedemann, Norma
Treffurth, Julius
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Treffurth, Julius
Trienekens, Jan
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Trienekens, Jan
Dr. Turba, Hannu
Research Associate, Section: So­cial policy, Or­gan­isa­tion and So­ci­ety
Veltin, Louisa
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Wechuli, Yvonne
Research Assistant, Section:Disability, Inclusion and Social Participation
Wechuli, Yvonne
Dr. Weyrich, Katharina
Coordinator of the Research Network for Social Law and Social Policy (FoSS)
Weyrich, Katharina
Worede, Daniel Tarekegn
Research Assistant, Section: Theory and Empirics of Health
Zinn, Jonas
Research Assistant, Section: Life Stages and Ageing
Dr. Bischoff, Anna
Lecturer, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Work and Education
Dr. Dosch, Erna
Lecturer, Section: Section: The­or­y and Meth­ods of Social Pedagogy
Dosch, Erna
Dr. Heyer, Lea
Lecturer, Section: Social Policy, Organization and Society
Heyer, Lea
Lecturer, Department: Social Work and Social Welfare
Jordan, Leonora Micah
Dr. Perels, Marko
Lecturer, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Richter, Katja
Lecturer, Department: Social Work und Social Welfare
Walter, Felix
Lecturer, Department: Social Work and Social Welfare
Wegener, Tove Jelte Claudia
Lecturer, Department: Social Work and Social Welfare
Wegener, Claudia
Collard, Sabine
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Mechthild Bereswill
Semester Schedule of Social Studies
Harnecker, Valentin
Processing Unit for Professional Studies and Internship
Partsch, Angelika
Office Assistant of Prof. Ina Kaul
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Marianne Hirschberg
Schneidler, Jessica
Department Office Assistant, Department: Social Work and Social Welfare