Consultation hour

Office hours:
Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 11.15 a.m.
16.08., 13.09. und 11.10.2024.

Registrations via

The department does not accept examinations for teacher training courses. No more acceptance for BA theses or MA theses for WS 24/25.

(Executive) Functions

Spokeswoman of the working group "Participation research" of the "Forschungsverbund Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik (FoSS)"


Deputy Spokeswoman of the Research Training Group Just and sustainable transition (JUST)

  • Human Rights in Disability Studies
  • Research on barriers and accessibility as well as Universal Design
  • Parallels and differences between Disability and Postcolonial Studies
  • Conditions and design of inclusive adult education
  • Research on nazi "euthanasia" crimes
  • Constructions of disability and normality
  • Disability movements between the narratives of modernity and liberation movements

03/2023 - 10/2023 On the editorial team of the magazine "Gemeinsam Leben", 

Since August 2016 Member of the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS).

SinceApril 2016 Confidential advisor of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation

Since April 2015 Member of the jury "andersartig gedenken on stage", school and youth theatre competition on biographies of victims of nazi "euthanasia" crimes

Since June 2014 Member of the network against selection through prenatal diagnostics

Since January 2014 Member of the advisory board of the Journal "RP Reha. Law and practice of rehabilitation, journal for rehabilitation, participation and severe disability law"

Since May 2011 Member of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE)

03/2011 - 12/2020 Member of the German Society for Rehabilitation Science (DGRW)

Since February 2011 Member of the Gen-ethcial Network

Since September 2010 Member of the Article 3 Network, Association for Human Rights and Equality of Disabled Persons

Rebecca Maskos, graduated summa cum laude:
PhD project "Wheelchair use and wheelchair acceptance in the context of Ableism, Stigma and Doing Dis_ability - a qualitative investigation of subjective practices of constructing non_disability" (01/2016 - 04/2023)

Yvonne Wechuli

PhD Project "Disability, emotions and affect - how disability studies (should) write about emotions" (since 10/2023)

Mirjam Schülle

PhD project "Health and participation benefits of refugees with disabilities - An empirical study on the application of the discretionary norm in social authorities"(since 01/2021)

Helge Stobrawe

PhD project "Habitus analysis of teachers in inclusive adult education", Cumulative PhD within the BMBF research project "Inclusive education in literacy practice and in the system of second-chance education - qualifications, competencies and needs of pedagogical staff (INAZ)" (since 05/2018)