
Ongoing research project:

For information on the ongoing DFG-funded research project "The relevance of family for social rights in international comparison: between family allowances and claimed family solidarity" (FaSo), please see "Research".

Teaching in the summer semester 2023:

Teaching in the summer semester 2023 will again be offered in presence. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Schmoll first.

Upcoming Conference Presentations:

Patricia Frericks and Martin Gurín: paper presentation “Uneven welfare state redistribution to families and the role of taxes and transfers”, Social Policy Association Conference 2023: Rising Inequalities and Poverty: What role for Social Policy? Nottingham, 5.-7.7.2023

Patricia Frericks: paper presentaton “Societies’ valuation of familial care work. An empirical investigation of long-term care work entitlements in Europe and its conceptual challenges”, Transforming care conference, Sheffield, 26.-28.6.2023

Patricia Frericks, Martin Gurín and Julia Höppner: paper presentation „Familie(n) als Kategorie für Umverteilung – europäische Wohlfahrtsstaaten im Vergleich“, Jahrestagung der DGS-Sektion Sozialpolitik „Der Sozialstaat als „Sortiermaschine“ - Kategorien und Kategorisierungsprozesse in der Sozialpolitik“, Cologne, 26.-27.6.2023

Patricia Frericks: Stream Organizer “Reconsidering Concepts and Ideas in Current Welfare State Policies” with Birgit Pfau-Effinger, RC19 Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, 25.6.-1.7.2023

Martin Gurín: 6th International Conference of Public Policy - Co-chair of the panel T02P11 – Family complexity and social policy around the world, Toronto.

Patricia Frericks, Martin Gurín and Julia Höppner: paper presentation "Redistribution towards family: How European welfare states address distinct family forms", 21st ESPAnet Annual Conference 2023, Warsaw, 7.-9.9.2023

Recent publications:

Journal articles (blind peer reviewed):

Frericks, P., Höppner, J. & Gurín, M. (forthcoming), Umverteilung im deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaat: Familie zwischen gewährten und eingeforderten Ressourcen, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform.

Frericks, P., Gurín, M. & Höppner, J. (2023), Mapping redistribution in terms of family: A European comparison, International Sociology, OnlineFirst

Frericks, P. (2023), Family-provided long-term care and its coverage in European pension systems, Journal of Family Research, Special Issue on New Forms of Family Care in Cultural and Institutional Contexts 35: 251-266.

Frericks, P., Gurín, M. & Höppner, J. (2023), Family as a redistributive principle of the welfare state. The case of Germany, Journal of Social Policy 52(2): 449–469.

Frericks, P. & Gurín, M. (2023), Family as a redistributive principle of welfare states: an international comparison, Journal of European Social Policy 33(1): 52-66.

Frericks, P. (2022), Family Care Work Coverage in Pensions: Mapping and Contextualizing International Variations and Developments, Social Politics 29(4): 1360–1378.

Frericks, P. (2022), How to quantify qualitative characteristics of societal differences: A method for systematic comparison of qualitative data (SCQual), International Journal of Social Research Methodology 25(3): 311-322. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2021.1883537.

contributions in edited volumes:

Frericks, P., Gurín, M. & Höppner, J. (forthcoming), ‘Evoluce nové metody: institutionální analýza přerozdělování veřejných prostředků na příkladu rodiny‘ [Evolution einer neuen Methode: Institutionelle Analyse sozialpolitischer Umverteilung am Beispiel Familie], in: Data a (vybrané) metody ve veřejněpolitickém výzkumu, Eva M. Hejzlarová, Magdaléna Mouralová, Martina Štěpánková Štýbrová.

Frericks, P. (2023), Welfare State Policies towards Financial Solidarity between Generations, The Oxford Handbook of Family Policy over the Life-Course, Mary Daly, Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Neil Gilbert, Douglas Besharov (eds.). Oxford University Press, pp. 1034-1051.

Höppner, J. (2023), Self-employment and the risk of poverty in old age - What's the role of pension systems in Europe?, in: Hofäcker, Dirk & Kuitto, Kati (eds.): Youth Employment Insecurity and Pension Adequacy, Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar, pp. 50–68.

Frericks, P. (2022), Sozialversicherungen, Beitrag im Wörterbuch Arbeit und Geschlecht, Ehlert, G., Funk, H. und Stecklina, G. (eds.). Reihe Geschlechterforschung, Juventa Verlag.