Cognitive Psychology

Content of Teaching

In the BSc Psychology program, the Section of Cognitive Psychology covers the subjects Cognitive Psychology I, Cognitive Psychology II, Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology as well as portions of the training in psychological methods (e.g., Introduction to Psychology and its Methods). The section is furthermore responsible for the implementation of the empirical training courses. In case of inquiries, please observe the module responsibilities.

In the MSc Psychology program, the Section of Cognitive Psychology offers courses in the module Cognition, Education, and Development. In the MSc Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy program, a lecture on the topic of Neuropsychological Disorders and Interventions is offered.

Research Foci

The research foci of the Section of Cognitive Psychology encompass areas of basic cognitive-psychological research as well as those of applied cognitive psychology.

Our current activities in the area of basic cognitive-psychological research relate to the following research questions or topics:

- What is the association between the sound or articulation of (non-)words and their meaning?
- The role of visuo-spatial working memory in processing written language
- The processing of different forms of gender-unspecific (generic) person denotations

In the area of applied cognitive psychology, we are primarily concerned with the intersection between the psychology of memory, learning, and the psychology of instructions. Currently, the focus is on the following topics:

- Can the testing effect be observed for long-term memory of complex learning contents?
- Positive and negative effects of perceptual disfluency during learning with texts
- Moderators of the seductive details effect during learning with multimedia
- Influences of text modality on learning with multimedia

An overview of our scientific publications can be found on ResearchGate.