
Research projects

2021-2023"Virtual Reality and Multilingualism" as part of the funding procedure "Strengthening University Teaching through Digitization" of the Foundation Innovation in University Teaching with the concept "University of Kassel digital: Redesigning University Teaching"
2022- 2023UniKasselTransfer/Service Learning: "Life Stories: A multilingual, multicultural and intergenerational engagement project"
2019-2023PRONET2 - P9: Multilingualism-related teacherin bilingual subject teaching - professionalprofessionalization ofof prospective and active teachers
2019-2023PRONET2 - P5: Interlocking and further development of the study workshops into teaching-learning laboratories
2021-2023Central teaching support: e-learning project "Linguistic Landscapes
2021UniKasselTransfer/Service Learning: "Telling Stories against the Corona Blues: A Digital Adaptation of a Multilingual Approach to Life Stories"
2019-2021Central teaching support: e-learning project "Digitization of teaching through teaching videos"
2019Digital teaching project "Online Educational Initiatives - Foreign Language Teaching and Learning - Digitally mediated intercultural communication and collaboration between German, Israeli and Arab future teachers" Second project prize at the Hessian University Award for Excellence in Teaching, Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts
2016-2018Central teaching support: e-learning project at the University of Kassel / DAAD Erasmus+ project: "Cooperative Learning Online"


PRONET1 - P9: "Multilingualism potentials in bilingual subject teaching" - field of action III of the project "Professionalization through networking (PRONET) of the "Quality offensive teacher education"
2015PRONET1 - P5: Interlinking of the study workshops with focus on the study workshop English
2013-2014Teaching Innovation Award of the University of Kassel: Bilingual Teaching and Learning - A Competence-Oriented Professionalization Model for Student Teachers of Languages (English / French) and the Subject History
2012-2014Teaching Innovation Award of the University of Kassel: A competence-oriented professionalization model for English teaching students aiming at strategy-based literacy skills: Reading strategies - A video-based approach.
Since 2012Founding member of the Center for Empirical Teaching and Learning Research(ZELL) at the University of Kassel.
2012DAAD and German Federal Foreign Office: educational and cultural research in an international context. International DAAD Alumni Workshop.
2009-2012BMBF project Empirical Educational Research - Priority 3 - Emprical Research of Subject Didactics (funding code: 01JG0902). Promotion of diagnostic competencies of student teachers of English through a blended learning training. Focus: supporting students' use of learning strategies when reading English texts. Research Associate Jennifer Friedrich
2009-2011Atlantis/ FIPSE: Dissemination and Adaptation of the ABC's of Cultural Understanding and Communication (TRANSABCs). Project Director EU: Prof. Dr. Claudia Finkbeiner. Project Director USA: Prof. Dr. Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York, USA.
2003-2009German Research Foundation (DFG): Research project Adequa I and II. Prof. Dr. C Finkbeiner, Prof. Dr. Peter Ludwig University Koblenz-Landau
2001-2005Comenius 2: Scientific management of the accompanying research within the European project MOBIDIC together with Dr. Sylvia Fehling, Kassel
2001-2004Participation in the expert council of the DESI commission; expert in the project part of DESI led by Prof. Dr. Helmke, Landau
Since 1997International Literacy Research
1996-1998Ludwigsburg project on explicit and implicit learning (together with Prof. Dr. Günter Nold and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bleyhl)