Research paper

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  • Stumpf, Sören & David Römer (ed.) (2020): Conspiracy theories in discourse. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (Supplements to the Journal for Discourse Research 4).
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (ed.) (2018): Conspiracy theories - linguistic perspectives. Theme issue of the journal Aptum. Journal for Language Criticism and Language Culture 14.

Project publications (selection)

  • Stumpf, Sören & David Römer (2024): Exploring conspiracy theories linguistically. In: Imhoff, R. (ed.): "Strangely lied to by dark forces ..." - Psychology, form and function of conspiracy narratives. Göttingen: hogrefe, pp. 198-216.

  • Römer, David (2022): Language in conspiracy theories. Contours of a research project In: Muttersprache 132, 299-313.

  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2022): Conspiracy theories - and how they are made credible linguistically. In: Klaus Müller & Christopher Kirchberg (ed.): Verschwörungstheorien. A publication by Gegen Vergessen - Für Demokratie e.V., pp. 60-89[Open Access].
  • Römer, David (2021): Conspiracy theories as argumentative narratives. In: Journal for Literary Studies and Linguistics 51, issue 2/2021, pp. 1-18[Open Access].
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2020): Linguistic devices in conspiracy theories. The example of "Gates hijacks Germany". In: The Language Service 64, pp. 148-158.

  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2020): "Yes we Ken" - Corona conspiracy theories under a mainstream linguistic magnifying glass. In: Aptum. Journal for Language Criticism and Language Culture 16, pp. 212-219.

  • Stumpf, Sören (2020): Umvolkung as a conspiracy-theoretical and far-right fighting concept of the AfD. In: Aptum. Journal for Language Criticism and Language Culture 16, pp. 97-105.

  • Stumpf, Sören & David Römer (ed.) (2020): Conspiracy theories in discourse. Interdisciplinary approaches. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (Supplements to the Journal for Discourse Research 4).
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2019): "The Great Exchange is not a myth, it is bitter reality." Populism and conspiracy theories from a linguistic perspective. In: Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie 95, pp. 129-158[Open Access].

  • Breil, Laura & David Römer & Sören Stumpf (2018): "The global weather project chemtrails is, and there is little doubt about it, a multi-billion dollar enterprise". Patterns of argumentation within the chemtrail conspiracy theory. In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 14, pp. 239-258.

  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2018): Conspiracy theories - linguistic perspectives. Theme issue of the journal Aptum. Journal for Language Criticism and Language Culture 14, issue 3/2018.
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2018): Linguistic construction of conspiracy theories. A project outline. In: Mother tongue 128, pp. 394-402.

Lectures (selection)

  • 06/2024: "Ölpreisexplosion, Bankencrash, Coronalüge | Krisen - und wie sie sprachlich glaubhaft gemacht werden" (Lecture by David Römer & Hanna Poloschek at the conference "Krisen als Impulse für die Germanistik? Considerations, Investigations, Reflections" Seoul National University).

  • 05/2024: "Verschwörungstheorien kognitivsemantisch" (Lecture by Sören Stumpf at the University of Zurich, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Marie-Luis Merten).

  • 03/2024: "Corona is only over when the corona criminals who orchestrated everything have been brought to justice and we, the people, have ensured that something like this can never happen again." On the argumentative production of plausibility in conspiracy theories (lecture by Hanna Poloschek at the Second Political Linguistics Colloquium of the AG Sprache in der Politik at the University of Kassel).

  • 02/2024: "We call this 'Wehret den Anfängen', regardless of whether these beginnings are brown, red or rainbow-colored." Zur argumentativen Herstellung von Plausibilität in Gender-Verschwörungstheorien. lecture at the conference Genderpragmatik (conference lecture by hanna Poloschek at the conference 'Genderpragmatik' (annual conference of the ALP) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum).

  • 02/2024: Antisemitic conspiracy theories in the past and present (lecture by Sören Stumpf at the workshop 'Die Konstruktion des Juden: Sprachwissenschaftliche Zugänge zum Antisemitismus', University of Paderborn).

  • 12/2023: Sprache in Verschwörungstheorien (Guest lecture by Hanna Poloschek and David Römer at Leibniz Universität Hannover, at the invitation of Sina Lautenschläger).

  • 10/2023: Conspiracy theories. Sprachliche Muster ihrer Plausibilisierung (lecture by Hanna Poloschek at the conference of the doctoral college GeKKo in Hofgeismar).

  • 06/2023: Sprache in Verschwörungstheorien (Guest lecture by Hanna Poloschek and David Römer at the TU Darmstadt, at the invitation of Nina Janich).

  • 06/2023: Sprache in Verschwörungstheorien (Guest lecture by Hanna Poloschek and David Römer at the University of Cologne, at the invitation of Bettina Bock).

  • 05/2023: Verschwörungstheorien diskurslinguistisch erforschen: Semantische und Grammatische Perspektiven (lecture by Sören Stumpf in the Oberseminar "Germanistische Linguistik" at the LMU Munich).

  • 01/2023: Exploring conspiracy theories discourse grammatically. (Lecture by Sören Stumpf at the University of Kassel, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. David Römer).

  • 01/2023: Linguistic perspectives on conspiracy theories. (Lecture by David Römer and Sören Stumpf at the Forschungskaleidoskop Linguistik of the University of Hamburg, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Natalia Filatkina).

  • 06/2022: Exploring conspiracy theories linguistically. (Lecture by Sören Stumpf at the Linguistic Colloquium of the LMU Munich, at the invitation of Dr. Nikolas Koch).
  • 06/2022: Conceptual metaphors in conspiracy theories. (Lecture by Sören Stumpf at the University of Vienna, at the invitation of Sebastian Thome).
  • 06/2022: Language in conspiracy theories. (Lecture by David Römer at the Evangelische Hochschule Dresden, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Nina Weimann-Sandig).

  • 06/2022: Conspiracy theories and right-wing populism. (Lecture by David Römer at the University of Trier, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Martin Wengeler).

  • 05/2022: Digital conspiracy theories. (Lecture by Sören Stumpf at the University of Zurich, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Marie-Luis Merten).
  • 04/2022: Language in conspiracy theories. (Lecture by Sören Stumpf at the Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz).

  • 02/2022: Exploring conspiracy theories linguistically. (Lecture by David Römer at the University of Trier, at the invitation of Dr. Fausto Ravida).

  • 12/2021: Dissent in conspiracy theory texts. (Lecture by David Römer at the University of Magdeburg, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Kersten S. Roth).

  • 12/2021: Language in conspiracy theories. (Lecture by David Römer at the University of Duisburg-Essen, at the invitation of PD Dr. Steffen Pappert).

  • 09/2021: Language in conspiracy theories. (Lecture by David Römer at the DAAD University Dialogue in Menaggio (Italy), at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Sandro Monaldo and Prof. Dr. Thomas Niehr).

  • 07/2021: Conspiracy theories - and how they are made credible linguistically. (GfdS lecture by David Römer of the Marburg branch, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Constanze Spieß).

  • 06/2021: Conspiracy theories - and how they are made linguistically credible. (Lecture by David Römer as part of the educational series "Fight for Democracy" of the Falken Bildungs- und Freizeitwerk Bergisch Land e.V., at the invitation of Dr. Karin Böke).

  • 05/2021: Conspiracy theories - and how they are made credible linguistically. (GfdS lecture by David Römer of the Vechta branch, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Jochen A. Bär).

  • 04/2021: Linguistic patterns in conspiracy theories. (Lecture by David Römer and Sören Stumpf at the "Colloquium Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft: Linguistik des Dissens" at the University of Bremen, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Ingo H. Warnke).

  • 03/2021: "Merkelt ihr nicht das man euch vergauckelt." Word formation in conspiracy theory discourses. (Lecture by Sören Stumpf at the online conference "Diskursmorphologie").
  • 07/2020: Distant kinship: Conspiracy theories and right-wing populism from a linguistic perspective. (Lecture by David Römer at the University of Trier, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Martin Wengeler).

  • 07/2020: "Yes we Ken". Corona conspiracy theories under a mainstream linguistic magnifying glass. (Lecture by David Römer as part of a workshop of the joint project "Musterhaftigkeit. Linguistic Creativity and Variation in Synchrony and Diachrony" on the topic of "Language and Corona" at the University of Trier).

  • 07/2020: "'Umvolkung' is not 'Nazi-speak', but an apt and appropriate term for what is currently happening in our country."Zur sprachlichen Manifestation von Verschwörungsdenken im Rechtspopulismus. (Lecture by David Römer as part of the "Koblenz Weeks of Democracy" in cooperation with the University of Koblenz-Landau, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Wolf-Andreas Liebert).

  • 03/2020: "We should sue the sun! Can we agree on that?" (Right-wing) populism and conspiracy theories from a linguistic perspective. (Lecture by David Römer at the VHS Oberhausen, at the invitation of the further education institution Arbeit und Leben of the German Trade Union Confederation and the adult education centers in Oberhausen).

  • 07/2019: Linguistic patterns in conspiracy theories. (Lecture by David Römer as part of the senior studies program at the University of Trier).

  • 02/2019: "We should sue the sun! Can we agree on that?" Populism and conspiracy theories from a linguistic perspective. (Lecture by David Römer and Sören Stumpf at the conference "Sagbarkeiten in öffentlich-politischen Diskursen. Populism - between (constructive) criticism and shitstorms in (internet-based) media", University of Graz).
  • 01/2019: Conspiracy theories - and how they are made linguistically credible (GfdS lecture by David Römer of the Aachen branch, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Thomas Niehr).

  • 11/2018: "Maybe everything is completely different than it seems" - conspiracy theories and language. (Lecture by Sören Stumpf at the conference "Der Reiz der Verschwörung - Verschwörungstheorien von Illuminaten bis Chemtrails", Fridjof-Nansen-Akademie für politische Bildung Ingelheim).
  • 06/2018: "Don't you realize how you are being gauged?" - Language in conspiracy theories. (GfdS lecture by David Römer and Sören Stumpf, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, at the invitation of Dr. Kristin Kuck).
  • 01/2018: Language in conspiracy theories. (GfdS lecture by Sören Stumpf, University of Greifswald, at the invitation of Dr. Pavla Schäfer).