Publications and lectures

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Scientific publications


  • KunstSprech. Text linguistic investigations into the accusation of the incomprehensibility of art texts. Lecture as part of the conference of the doctoral college GeKKo in Hofgeismar, 29.10.2021.
  • "Von Gretl, der kleine Klimasirene" - Apathie ad hominem bei rechten Youtubern. Lecture with Christina Liemann as part of the lecture series "Apokalypse und Apathie. Handlungs(un)fähigkeit im Kontext der Klimakrise" of the IAG Climate Thinking in Kassel, 14.12.2022.
  • [mumbles unintelligibly] - Communicative practices in LEGO Harry Potter. Lecture as part of the lecture series "Multiplayer Mentors" (online), 10.01.2023.
  •  From "KunstSprech" via "Metatext-Lyrik" to the "misuse of words". Linguistic investigations into the accusation of the incomprehensibility of art texts. Lecture at the GeSuS conference (panel "Museum Communication") in Paris-Est-Créteil, 09.6.2023.
  • Election campaign language: The Greens and FDP. Lecture with Hanna Poloschek and David Römer at the conference "Zur Debatte. Wahlkampfsprache Landtagswahl Hessen 2023 - How do politicians seek approval in times of crisis?" in Marburg, 26.09.2023.
  • "Langstrecken-Luischen" and "Gretl Thunfisch" - Multimodal argumentation patterns of right-wing alternative YouTube channels in the climate discourse. Lecture with Christina Liemann at the conference "Klären | Streiten | Argumentieren. Aktuelle Perspektiven der Argumentationsforschung" in Marburg, 05.-07.10.2023.
  • "[T]he high tone of transfiguration" - A linguistic perspective on the accusation of the incomprehensibility of texts about art. Lecture as part of the workshop "Künstler:innen über Kunst" on 26/27.03.2024 in Leipzig.