Ongoing projects

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Writing advice at Faculty 02

In the writing consultation, you can talk to trained student writing consultants about any questions or problems relating to academic work. The writing advice service works on an equal footing and is completely confidential. It works according to the principle of "helping people to help themselves" and is free of charge for all students at FB02.

Intro writing advice: More Infos

Pronunciation competence

Social acceptance of phonetic deviations and the influence of the factor 'age' on the foreign language pronunciation competence of learners of German with the first languages Arabic and Persian (Dari). Development and testing of an empirically based pronunciation training for refugees willing to study.

Pronunciation competence: Social acceptance - age factor: More Infos

DaZ and language-conscious teaching in teacher education

The project "German as a Second Language (DaZ) in Teacher Education" aims to sensitize both prospective and current teachers to the specifics of knowledge and competence acquisition in German as a second language and to support them in building up competencies for planning and implementing DaZ lessons.

DaZ and language-aware teaching in teacher training - PRONET²: More Infos