Integrated Study Workshop ISW - Languages

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Image: Nina Skripietz


The Integrated Study Workshop - Languages (ISW for short) in FB 02 Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Kassel has been in existence since 2011 and has since established itself as a central point of contact for students and teaching staff. The Learning Workshop makes a pioneering interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary contribution and fulfills an important mission to develop the skills required in professional practice and promotes the ability to work autonomously across different subject areas and languages. In addition, the institution fulfills an important transfer function by being available to teachers from the region as a workspace and offering further training on various topics.

The ISW-Sprachen is located at Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5 in rooms 0012 and 0016. The rooms are available for individual and group work, courses, training and research. The equipment includes PCs, laptops, iPads, learning and research software, teaching materials, textbooks and specialist literature.


Do you have any requests, suggestions or similar? Please use the new feedback link: 

Opening hours in the winter semester 2024/25

The opening hours for winter semester 2024/25 are as follows:

Mon. 10-18
Tue. 10-18
Wed. 10-18
Thu. 10-18

The ISW is closed during the semester break.
However, we will be open on the following days from 10 am to 4 pm:


We are also happy to open outside these times on request.