
Since 10.2017

PhD project on "Global Education in Transformation" in political science/political didactics.


Passed subject change examination in political science, University of Kassel

10.2011 - 12.2013

M.A. Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (grade 1.2).

  • Majors: Society and economy, social psychology and elementary forms of social life.
  • Topic of the master thesis: "Global City Frankfurt? A sociological study on the concept of the 'Global City' with reference to Frankfurt".

10.2007 - 09.2011

B.A. Sociology, Ruprecht- Karls-University Heidelberg (Grade 2,0)

  • Majors: Economy, market and organization; civil society and associationism.
  • Topic of the bachelor thesis: "NGOs in peacebuilding processes

08.2003 - 07.2006

Georg-Christoph- Lichtenberg Comprehensive School, Göttingen,

General qualification for university entrance (average grade 2,2)

Professional career

10.2017 - 04.2021

Research assistant at the University of Kassel in the graduate program "Ecologies of Social Cohesion".

05.2020 - 09.2020

Full-time program coordinator congress "Future for all" at Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie e.V. Leipzig

07.2012 - 07.2019

Freelance education consultant at the Freiwilligendiensten der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart gGmbH

  • Team leader of the socio-pedagogical accompanying seminars in the voluntary social year
  • Main topics: critical consumption, climate change, human rights, nutrition, flight and migration.

01.2016 - 01.2017

Project assistant at medico international e.V. in Frankfurt am Main.

  • Main activities: collaboration on the project "Elaboration of key points, health in humanitarian aid" funded by the German Federal Foreign Office

08.2015 - 02.2016

Education officer for global learning, One World Center Heidelberg.

  • Main activities: Coordination and implementation of the project "Global Classroom".

Since 10.2015

Founding member and freelancer in the network "Mind Behaviour Gap"; further education offer from knowledge to action: www.mindbehaviourgap.de

Further freelance activities in the field of global learning and political education with cooperation partners

  • medico international e.V., Hessian Ministry for Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, University of Kassel, University of Hildesheim, Lernort Kulturkapelle Hamburg
  • Main focus: Conception and implementation of seminars and workshops, event organization.

04. - 09.2011

Internship at the Milton-Erickson-Institute, Heidelberg

  • Team coaching/organizational development
  • Main focus: Seminar support/planning, org. activities

10.2010 - 02.2011

Tutor, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

  • Lecture "Introduction to Sociology", WiSe 2010/11

03. - 12.2009

Internship at Amnesty International, Vancouver (Canada)

  • Main focus: Public relations, event organization, administrative support.

08. - 09.2008

Internship at the Protestant Development Service (EED), Latin America Department, Bonn (Germany)

  • Main focus: Support in the administrative area, content-related elaborations on specialized topics, seminar evaluations.


Political and social engagement

Since October 2017

Active member of the I.L.A.-Collective

  • Lectures, workshops on the imperial and solidarity way of life and production
  • Development of a strategy brochure for social movements on the topic of socio-ecological transformation

11.2014 - 11.2017

"Teachers on the road" - German lessons for refugees

10.2010 - 09.2011

Member of the university group "Amnesty International Heidelberg

09.2006 - 08.2007

Voluntary social year, Escuela Comunidad Ecoactiva, Cochabamba, (Bolivia)

  • Main focus: Collaboration in everyday school life and school teaching


Further education

10.2017 - 09.2018

Writing workshop "I.L.A. Workshop for Global Justice", Common Future, Berlin.

15. - 19.08.2016

Zeitwohlstand - theater workshop on mental infrastructure of acceleration, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie, Gollwitz.

08. - 09.07.2016

Anti-racism training at Phoenix e.V., Heidelberg

03. - 10.2015

Modular training: Trainer:innen for education and engagement in development contexts, Soziale Bildung e.V., Rostock.


Language skills

English fluent in written and spoken

Spanish fluent in written and spoken

  • Critical-emancipatory political education - especially global learning and education for sustainable development - in the context of the imperial way of life and production.
  • Social-ecological transformation as an educational task
  • Education critical of power and domination in cooperation between school and non-school actors
  • Practices of solidary ways of living and production and their educational and learning potentials


Inkermann/Eicker: The Hegemony of the Imperial Way of Life as a Challenge for Political Education, In: Journal für politische Bildung, 4/2021, pp.32-37.


Inkermann/Eicke/Lage (2021): Profiting from Solidarity, In: Hebel/Kaspar (eds.): Heile Welt: 32 Ideen für ein Leben nach Corona. Frankfurt/M.: Societäts-Verlag, pp.69-74.


Inkermann/Sanders (2020): Fundamentally rethinking the world "Becoming with" as a compass for critical global learning from the perspective of New Materialisms, In: Eicker/Eis/ Holfelder/Jacobs/ Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie/ Yume (eds.): Bildung Macht Zukunft. Learning for the Social-Ecological Transformation? Frankfurt/M.: Wochenschau Verlag, pp.189-198.


Inkermann/Kalt/Ritter (2020): From the balconies to the streets, In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften 35, 4/2020, p. 9.


I.L.A. Collective (2019): The Good Life for All. Munich: oekom Verlag.


Blog Postgrowth - Are we transforming the science of transformation?!, available online at: www.postwachstum.de/transformieren-wir-die-wissenschaft-der-transformation-20191011


Fröhlich/Inkermann (2017): Global learning - transformative impact with transformed multipliers. In: Emde/Jakubcyk/Kappes/Overwien (Eds.): Mit Bildung die Welt verändern? Global learning for sustainable development. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 265-275.


Conference Vienna: Solidary Citizens - Imperial Way of Life and Civic Education, Lecture: Global Learning in the Field of Conflict between Imperial and Solidary Way of Life, University of Vienna (Chairs: Didactics of Civic Education and International Politics and Democracy Center Vienna), 5.11.2021


Panel discussion: Crisis, Struggles, Revolution, online conference on authoritarian communism, 29.5.2021


Panel discussion: Strategic Approaches: an Overview, Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Strategies for Social-ecological Transformation, 30.5.2020


Kick-off event "The Political Plant", Lecture: From Knowledge to Action, Tropical Greenhouse Witzenhausen, 14.1.2020


Lecture series "The utopian space", lecture: On the way to a good life for all! medico international, Frankfurt, 19.12.2019


Panel discussion "Strategies for social-ecological transformation", Feminist Future Festival, Essen, 14.9.2019


Divided left? Communitarianism, cosmopolitanism and new internationalism - input to: solidarity lifestyle, Crossover Conference Politics of the Many, Institute for Solidarity Modernity, Berlin, 6/15/2019


Panel discussion "Striking for climate protection - What am I willing to do?", Gut Karlshöhe Hamburg, 8.5.2019


Book launch, "The good life for all - Pathways to a solidarity-based way of life," University of Kassel, Jan. 29, 2019


Panel discussion, "Climate, capitalism, cooperation - climate protection between political will and economic calculation," Georg August University Göttingen, Jan. 24, 2019


"From living at the expense of others, to a good life for all," attac Herbstratschlag, Frankfurt, Nov. 2, 2018


Teacher:in-service training as part of the certificate course "Education for Sustainable Development" Center Education for Sustainable Development, State Institute for Pedagogy and Media (LPM), Otzenhausen, Saarland, 26.04.2022


"ESD in Transformation - Challenges of social transformation processes for the educational approach ESD", Multiplikator:innen Online-Workshop, BNE Netzwerk Nordhessen und Weltgarten Witzenhausen, 15.12.2021


"From imperial to solidarity-based lifestyles: Welche Rolle spielt Bildung?", Multiplier:innen Online-Fortbildung, Hamburg mal fair/Mobile Bildung e.V., 12.11.2021


"The concept of imperial way of life as part of critical political education? Critical reflection with regard to the category "class", among others", online conference: Dirty Capitalism - Political Economy (in) Civic Education, 3/13/2021.


"From living at the expense of others to a good life for all!", Multiplier:innen advanced training, Dresden ArcheNova, 9.11.2019


"Contours of the solidary way of life - Potentials of the concept of the way of life and production for the post-growth debate", Conference - Great Transformation? On the future of modern societies, Jena, Sept. 26, 2019.


"From knowledge to action - learning in transformative processes", Multiplier*innen Fortbildung, EBD - Entwicklungsbezogene Bildung in Deutschland, Hamburg, 9.9.2019


"Climate and the Imperial Way of Life", "Fridays for Future" summer congress, Dortmund, 1./2.8.2019


"Mind the gap - on the discrepancy between knowledge and action", Conference - Education is a battlefield, Berlin, 6.7.2019


"From imperial to solidarity lifestyles: What is the role of education?", conference BildungMachtZukunft, Kassel, 22.2.2019


"Troubling Nature? Interdisciplinary Negotiations of Human-Environment Relations," PhD Workshop, University of Kassel, Oct. 18, 2018.


"From imperial to solidarity-based living - finally, the good life for all!", Critical of Domination Summer University Kassel, July 24-26, 2018.

  • 02/2019 Co-organization of the conference "Bildung Macht Zukunft - Lernen für die sozial-ökologische Transformation" at the University of Kassel in cooperation with Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie.
  • 08/2021 Co-organization of the congress "Future for all - just. ecological. feasible" hybrid in Leipzig and as an online congress.

Since October 2017

Active member of the I.L.A. collective: ilawerkstatt.org

  • Lectures, workshops on the imperial and solidarity way of life and production.
  • Development of a strategy brochure for social movements on the topic of socio-ecological transformation

Since October 2015

Trainer in the Mind Behaviour Gap network: www.mindbehaviourgap.de