Manuel Neumann

Manuel Neumann is a Research Fellow of the research group “Glocalpower” anchored in the Department of Political Science. He holds a Master’s Degree in Globalisation and Development from SOAS (University of London). Previously, he read Political Science at Delhi University (DU, New Delhi) and completed a Bachelor’s Degree in International Economics from Tübingen University. His current research interests revolve around the political economy of energy transitions in developing countries more generally and green financial tools such as green bonds in particular. 


Research Areas:

  • Green financial tools
  • Political economy of energy transitions



Müller, Franziska; Neumann, Manuel; Elsner, Carsten; Claar, Simone (2021) Assessing African Energy Transitions: Renewable Energy Policies, Energy Justice, and SDG 7. Politics and Governance. Vol. 9 No.1

Carsten Elsner, Manuel Neumann, Franziska Müller & Simone Claar (2021) Room for money or manoeuvre? How green financialization and de-risking shape Zambia’s renewable energy transition, Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2021.1973971

Carsten Elsner, Franziska Müller, Manuel Neumann & Simone Claar (2021) Finanzialisierung und „de-risking“ in Sambias Energiewende: Perspektiven für nachhaltige Entwicklung? In: Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik e.V. (Hg.): Peripherie. Zeitschrift für Politik und Ökonomie in der Dritten Welt, Verlag Barbara Budrich, Leverkusen. Specialissue No. 162/163, S. 275-297. ISSN: 0173-184X/ISSN Online: 2366-4185.

Müller, Franziska; Claar, Simone; Neumann, Manuel; Elsner, Carsten (2020) Is green a Pan-African colour? Mapping African renewable energy policies and transitions in 34 countries. Energy Research & Social Science (ERSS), Volume 68, October 2020, 101551 

Müller, Franziska; Claar, Simone; Neumann, Manuel; Elsner, Carsten (2020): Building Africa’s renewable energy future: Recommendations for a just transition. Policy BriefingsEnergy, Natural Resources. South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA),




Office address: Untere Königsstr. 71, 34123 Kassel, 2nd floor, room 2002