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Training and teaching research

In the past, the work area was able to successfully contribute to the joint project HeLPS (Hessian E-Learning Projects in Sports Science, 2007-2014). For the sub-project "Good-practice methods of educational physical education", two e-learning contents for the integrative teaching of target shooting games and one-contact rebound games were developed in Kassel and tested in the context of blended learning seminars in physical education teacher* training (Adolph, Albert, Blömeke-Rumpf, Heyer, Scheid; et al. Heyer, 2015).

Two teaching innovation projects on school-based practical studiesin physical education addressed, on the one hand, online-based classroom evaluation for the development of reflective skills (2011-2013) and, on the other hand, the effectiveness of reflection discussions (2014-2016; Albert, Scheid & Julius, 2016, among others). These teaching projects formed the basis for the deepening and continuation of the topic within the two funding phases of PRONET and PRONET2 (Professionalization through Networking) in the subprojects "Promotion of Reflective Competence in the Context of Practical School Studies II" (Scheid, Albert, Thissen; 2015-2018) and "Reflection in the Education and Training of Teachers* in the Context of a Study Workshop on Sport" (Scheid, Albert, Hillebrand; 2019-2023). Within the framework of this project, a "Teaching-Learning-Laboratory Sport Pedagogy" will be designed and tested for the first time. The topic of digitization is currently being addressed and further developed within the framework of the funded project UKS_digi (Universität Kassel digital: Universitäre Lehre neu gestalten) in the sub-project " Blended learning concepts in sport pedagogical teacher training for teaching quality in the subject of sport" (Scheid, Albert, Hillebrand; 2021-2024).

Through the special fund "Structural Equal Opportunity", the university didactic project "Gender and Coeducation in the Study of Sport" could be implemented in the past in the subject science and didactics (2013-2014; Mutschall & Scheid, 2015). This teaching project also served as a basis for the continuation and deepening of the topic within the first funding phase of PRONET in the sub-project "Gender and Coeducation in the Study of Sport and Physical Education" (Scheid, Mutschall, 2015-2018).

The research area has also taken up the educational policy discussion on inclusion and conducted a joint project on "Inclusive Physical Education" in 2013-2014 together with the University of Giessen. The teaching project aimed at the conception, evaluation and documentation of inclusive teaching units in the subject of physical education (Scheid, Sommer, Julius; et al. Scheid & Friedrich, 2015). Derived from this, a university didactic project from 2015-2018 focused on the competence development of physical education students for inclusive teaching. In this context, a corresponding sport pedagogical seminar concept was developed and its effects evaluated (Pögl, Scheid; et al. Friedrich, Gräfe, Pögl & Scheid, 2017; Pögl, 2022).