Institute of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
- Open Space Planning I Guest Prof. Dr.-Ing. Louise Leconte
- Freshwater Ecology in Landscape Planning I Prof. Dr. René Sahm
- Landscape Architecture I Design I Prof. Ariane Röntz
- Landscape Architecture I Engineering I Prof. Florian Otto
- Landscape Aesthetics in Design I Guest Prof. Fanny Brandauer
- Landscaping, Landscape Management and Vegetation Development I Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Körner
- Landscape Planning and Communication I Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Leibenath
- Landscape and Vegetation Ecology I Prof. Dr. Gert Rosenthal
- Landscape Development / Environmental and Planning Law I Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. jur. Andreas Mengel
- Environmental Meteorology I Prof. Dr. Britta Jänicke
We deal with nature and landscape as well as (urban) open spaces in the form of very different approaches. Functional, use-related and cultural-aesthetic requirements are just as central as the preservation and qualification of natural and cultural heritage, including biodiversity.
This requires a high level of ecological and design expertise as well as a great deal of experience with uses and maintenance techniques, especially with regard to vegetation as a key element shaping the landscape. Even if planning is initially done on "paper", the goal is always the practical implementation of the concepts, plans and designs.
As the treatment of nature, landscape and open space always takes place in a socio-political and professional context, our work is also characterized by communication with a wide range of stakeholder groups and institutions.