Research focus areas

Sustainable development requires the involvement of different actors, both at the political and individual level. Everyone can make a contribution through a resource-conserving lifestyle. In order to develop targeted measures to promote sustainability, it is first necessary to gain a better understanding of why people voluntarily and consciously reduce or abstain from consumption. Therefore, the research focus is on those people who are characterised by a sufficent, i.e. resource-efficient, lifestyle. By means of an explorative approach, the conducive factors that seem to be involved in the development of sufficiency lifestyles will be identified. In this way, the research work contributes to a better understanding of the development of sufficiency-oriented lifestyles and offers starting points for further research foci as well as concrete measures for the promotion of sustainability-relevant behaviour.


Contact: Mrs. Petra Müller


Factors and interrelationships that constitute and influence sustainable behavior in different contexts are to be reconstructed.


In order to cope with local, regional and global challenges, be they e.g. of an ecological, economic or social nature, the paradigm of sustainable development seems to be a right path. Thus, the Federal Government is also taking this path and calls on all social actors to make a contribution.

Consequently, companies that provide training are also called upon to act in the sense of sustainable development, regardless of their location.

Thus, the research focus deals with the question of how training companies in rural regions interpret sustainable development for themselves, what corresponding contributions look like from their perspective and how their own in-company training is classified in this context.


Contact: Ms Malena Pfeiffer