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If you would like to write a thesis at our department in the summer semester 2025, you must register with our department by 06.05.2025. You can contact us by e-mail for this purpose.

If you contact us after the deadline, you can no longer be considered for the summer semester 2025.

Please note for Master theses: If you would like to write your Master thesis with us, you should have already successfully completed a lecture or seminar from our chair so that you are familiar with our (research) topics.

Here you will find a timetable for the summer semester 2025, which contains all important deadlines and dates for theses at our department.

If you would like to write a Bachelor or Master thesis at the Unit of Macroeconomics, please refer to our information on theses

Information on the formal design of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis can be found here (Note: The file is only available in the university network).

All other formal and, above all, content-related aspects should be discussed personally with the respective supervisor.