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Association for Information Systems launches "Digital Academy"
The Digital Academy for Educators initiated by Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister (AIS VP Education) and Dr. Andreas Janson (AIS AVP Education Curations) has been launched. The aim of this platform is to provide and create valuable resources for the community of educators in the field of business informatics. AIS members receive exclusive access to educational content, comprehensive course content, teaching materials, live demonstrations and video content presented by renowned academics. The content can be found in the AIS Electronic Library:
The official inauguration of the AIS Digital Academy marks a significant milestone. To celebrate this in a special way, on November 28 at 1pm (EST), Professor Sabine Matook from the University of Queensland and Tianyi Tian from Mendix will present the world of no/low-code in a live session.
Registration for the 60-minute online event is available at