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FOR2432 science communication: Interview with RUAF published on FAO website

Neda Yousefian, doctoral researcher in FOR2432, was interviewed by a scientist from RUAF (Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Security) about one of her articles (Yousefian et al., 2020. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 10(2), 105-121). The interview has just been published on the FAO's City Region Food Systems Program webpage: "Using the CRFS approach to assess the resilience of Bengaluru's local food supply"

DFG features FOR2432 as Highlight of Indo-German Collaboration

The DFG Office India periodically showcases on its homepage examples of scientific collaboration between India and Germany. The current report, published on 22.11.2023, highlights the Indo-German Research Unit FOR2432.
>>> Link

FOR2432 Documentary video

A 25 minutes video summarizes the project activities for the general public:

>>> Streaming link

Indo-German Conference on Rural-Urban Transitions 2023

Bengaluru, 01-03.02.2023

>>> Conference information

FOR2432 Seminar Series 2022

Online presentations by doctoral researchers
Fridays, 09:30-11:30, from 11.03.2022 until 16.12.2022

>>> Program and abstracts

Tropentag 2022 - Award winners

Eiselen Science Award:
Dr. Marion Reichenbach (FOR2432/1 Project A03)

Best Poster Award:
Shahin Alam (FOR2432/2 Project A03)

Book Publication: "The Rural-Urban Interface."

Published Sept. 20, 2021, in the "Urban Book Series" at Springer Nature, the book summarizes results from Phase I of the FOR2432 research group.

Bengaluru is one of the fastest growing megacities in India. As such, it provides an in-situ laboratory for studying rural-urban transitions. While urbanisation is most evident in a changing landscape with increasing built-up areas, it comes along with changes in ecosystem functions, new economic opportunities, changes in social organization and individual attitudes and behavior. All of these processes are interlinked and mutually depend on each other. Here an attempt is made to integrate studies from a wide scope of disciplinary perspectives and at different spatial scales under the framework of complex social-ecological systems.

Agriculture is the prime example of a system in which humans interact with their biophysical environment, and the production systems in the rural-urban interface are profoundly affected by urbanization. Intensification and diversification of agriculture is an immediate response to urban pressures and demands, and is linked as much to resource (over-)use as it is to commercialization. Yet little is known about the spatial patterns of agricultural transformation in areas of urban sprawl. The focus of the contributions here is explicitly on the interface, in-between the rural and the urban systems. It thus differs from the urban-centered perspective of city planners as well as from the rural predominance in most of the agricultural research.

Georg Foster Prize 2020

Marion Reichenbach received the "Georg Forster Prize" 2020 of the University of Kassel (Universitätsgesellschaft e.V.) for her PhD Thesis "Dairy production in an urbanizing environment: A system approach in Bengaluru, India", which was part of Project A03 of FOR2432. This award acknowledges outstanding academic achievements that reach out beyond their particular academic discipline and have interdisciplinary relevance.

>>> Press release 01.06.2021

Invited Lecture 28.01.2020

Prof. Dr. Graeme S. Cumming
ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies
James Cook University, Townsville, Australia

Understanding the roles of system structure and scale in social-ecological resilience

Tuesday, 28.01.2020 (10:00 - 11:30)
Functional Agricultural Biodiversity
Göttingen, Griesebachstr. 6, Seminar Room L318

Project Workshop 22.01.2020

Integrating ideas about resilience
along the urban-rural gradient in Bangalore

Wednesday, 22.01.2020 (09:00-17:00)
Witzenhausen, Steinstraße 19
Seminar room H12

Invited guest: Prof. Dr. Graeme S. Cumming

PhD Opening Workshop Phase II

September 23-25, 2019

Seminar Center at Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen
Frankenhausen 2, 34393 Grebenstein

Indo-German Conference on Rural-Urban Transitions

Bangalore, 20-22 Feb 2019

>>> Conference information

PhD Workshop 22-23.02.2019 in Bangalore, India

Gender and diversity in science: Participation - Innovation - Impact

Friday, 22.02.2019, afternoon

Invited lecture - Katharine Farrell 
Ecofeminism and complexity: Implications of Attention to gender and diversity dimensions in the pursuit of Quality in SES Research 

Invited lecture - Nandita Mondal
Operation Flood and its role in the empowerment of women - or: the role of women empowerment of Operation Flood?

Joint discussion:
Early career development and gender in science - Indo-German insights and perspectives

Saturday, 23.02.1018, all day


Integrating gender and diversity analysis in research programs.
Introduction to and application of the concept of Gendered Innovations; short presentations, group work, and discussions.

>>> Download program

Download participant assignments>>>

Invited Lecture 13.06.2018

FOR2432 Guest Lecture
Dr. Thomas Esch
(Earth Observation Center, DLR)

Digital World meets Urban Planet - New Prospects for Urban Monitoring arising from Earth Observation

The science and policy communities increasingly recognize that the process of urbanization is at the center of global climate change and sustainability challenges. Hence, more and more decision makers require detailed information and empirical evidence on the characteristics and dynamics of the built environment. It is here that the massively growing availability of open and free Earth observation (EO) data can make a valuable contribution. DLR is coordinating the development of an Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform (U-TEP) that offers a comprehensive collection of data and analysis tools needed to provide science, planning, and policy with actionable information on the urban environment in one single place. Central component of the system is a web-based portal connecting functionalities for i) high-performance access to diverse collections of digital data (i.a. EO, statistics, surveying, volunteered geographic information), ii) on-demand processing, analysis and visualization using high-level computer clusters, iii) development and publication of algorithms, products and services by individual users, and iv) networking, communication and sharing of results and knowledge. The lecture will give an overview of the available data and tools.

Wednesday, 13.06.2018 (13:30-15:00)
Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing
Göttingen, Büsgenweg 5, Seminar room FSR 5.2

PhD Colloquium 14.05.2018

Concepts and approaches in SES research

Monday, 09:00 - 13:00
Witzenhausen, Steinstraße 19
Seminar room in the tropical greenhouse

Assigned reading:

1.     Kramer et al, 2017. Top 40 questions in coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) research. Ecology and Society 22, 44. 

2.     Walters, 2017. Explaining rural land use change and reforestation: A causal-historical approach. Land Use Policy 67, 608-624.

The papers are analyzed following a set of guiding questions. The participants position their own research in the theoretical context laid out in the papers. Differences between disciplinary approaches are made explicit and are critically reflected to foster interdisciplinary thinking and integration.

Project Assembly in Bangalore - 13.-14.02.2018

Project Assembly - 11.-12.10.2017

Invited Lectures - 07.09.2017

From Research to Extension:  The Role of the University of Agricultural Sciences in the Service of Farmers (Prof. Dr. M.S. Nataraju)

University Examination Systems:  A unique experience in Karnataka, India (Prof. Dr. M.T. Lakshminarayan)

Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme (RAWEP) of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru (Prof. Dr. K.C. Lalitha)

Both lecturers are visiting scientists from the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.

Date:       07.09.2017
Time:       10:00 - 12:15
Venue:     Room 9.137 MZG - Blauer Turm
                        Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen

>>> Announcement 

PhD Seminar on Remote Sensing - 19.07.2017

coordinated by Prof. Christoph Kleinn, and carried out jointly by projects C02, C01, and I-C01.

Wednesday, 19.07.2017 (09:00 - 11:30German time)
Institute of Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing,
Göttingen, Büsgenweg 5, seminar room FSR 5.2.
A videoconferencing access via Adobe Connect will be provided.

The seminar shall give an overview on the available remote sensing imagery and its potential applications. It is restricted to members of FOR2432, and is targeting in particular the non-experts in remote sensing techniques.  It aims at linking the fieldwork and emerging datasets of the different projects to the overall spatially explicit approach of FOR2432. - The seminar will be held only if at least 10 confirmed registrations are received by July 14 (12:00 German time).

Seminar program

Invited Lectures - 20.06.2017

FOR2432 - Guest Lectures
Prof. Dr. B.K. Ramachandrappa
Prof. Dr. Nagaraju H.

(University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore)

Dryland agriculture and agroforestry as research priorities in Indian agriculture

All-India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRP) are a national initiative of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research for promoting productivity and resilience of Indian crops and cropping systems. Dr. Ramachandrappa and Dr. Nagaraju have contributed to this program with experimental work carried out at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore, and in cooperation with local farmers. They will present an overview on the targets, achievements, and future perspectives in their research area, illustrated with examples from their rich experience. The scope and potentials of regional, national, and international research approaches and scientific collaboration will be discussed. - Both speakers are partner project leaders in FOR2432 and collaborators in the on-station experiments of the Indo-German Research Unit.

Tuesday, 20.06.2017 (10:15-12:30)
FB11 Ecological Agricultural Sciences
Witzenhausen, Steinstrasse 19, H13

PhD Colloquia and Project Meeting 06-10.01.2017

PhD Colloquium 'Space and scale' - 06.01.2017

Project Assembly - 09.01.2017

PhD Colloquium 'Stocks and flows' - 10.01.2017

>>> Programs

Opening Event of the Indian Partner Project - 15.08.2016

University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore


Invited Lecture - 30.06.2016

FOR2432 - Invited Lecture
Dr. Sumeet Mhaskar

(Centre of Modern Indian Studies, Göttingen)

The Economic and Social Dimensions of Rural-Urban Linkages in Mumbai City
Mumbai is an important commercial centre of India that attracts labour migrants from all over the country and represents the economic transition from the textile manufacturing sector to the service sector economy. The spaces once inhabited by the textile millworkers (“Galas”) are entry points that shed light on relations between restructured capital and migrant labour, and the kind of political, social and cultural experience the present generation rural labour migrants undergo in comparison to the previous generation. In addition to the Galas attention is also be paid to the rural landscape which is the point of departure for the rural labour migrants. The focus on villages provides interesting findings regarding the role of the rural labour migrant as well as the former factory workers. Lastly, the study also focuses on the gender question which continues to remain a neglected dimension in the study of migration.

Thursday, 30.06.2016 (18:15-19:30)
FB11 Organic Agriculture
Witzenhausen, Steinstrasse 19, H13

OPENING ASSEMBLY - 18-19.04.2016

Monday, 18.04.2016, 08:00-18:00
Tuesday, 19.04.2016, 09:00-15:00

Venue:  Emmy-Noether-Saal, Alte Mensa
                      Wilhelmsplatz 3, Göttingen
> > > Programs