Overview of courses in the field

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Winter term

Coordinator Prof. Dr. A. Sundrum
Language German
Credits 6
Stud. Workload 180h, thereof 60h contact hours
Frequency (WS / SS) WS, yearly
Contents Animal nutrition: Feed science, basics of feed intake, digestion and intermediary metabolism of farm animals, determination of requirements and ration design under the conditions of organic farming, effect of feeding on product quality and environmental compatibility.
Qualification goal Animal nutrition: Teaching the fundamentals of animal nutrition with regard to the availability and conversion of nutrients with regard to various production goals.
Literature reference Jeroch, H., W. Drochner and O. Simon 1999: Nutrition of agricultural livestock.
Teaching form Lecture 60h
Certificate of achievement Exam (2h) 100% or project work (ca. 20 S.) 50% + exam (1h) 50%.
Applicability Compulsory module according to §9 (3) PO Organic Farming; prerequisite for the modules Animal Nutrition, Animal Breeding, Animal Health and Animal Husbandry.
Prerequisite for participation Module Biology of Farm Animals

Animal nutrition exercises are an elective.

Main study

Coordinator Prof. Dr. U. Knierim
Language German
Credits 6
Stud. Workload 180h, thereof 60h contact hours
Frequency (WS / SS) WS, yearly
Contents Cattle: planning of animal-friendly housing, assessment of animal suitability; special requirements for dairy cattle husbandry, practical feeding of calves, rearing and fattening cattle and dairy cows, exemplary analysis of an operating system; focus on ecological breeding methods, breeding for health characteristics Sheep and goats: specific husbandry and feeding requirements; pasture management, suitability of old domestic animal breeds; economics of sheep and goat products (meat, milk, wool)
Qualification goals Translation of basic knowledge into concrete strategies for optimization and action; understanding of the interrelationships in livestock science that determine the dynamics and management of husbandry systems; acquisition of communicative and didactic skills; reflection on and thinking in networked systems.
Literature reference Abel, H. et al. 1995: Farm animal nutrition. Gustav Fischer Jena; Stein-Bachinger, K., J. Bachinger and L. Schmitt 2004: Nutrient management in organic farming. KTBL-Schriften. Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster; Phillips, C. 2002: Cattle behavior and welfare. 2nd ed. Blackwell Science. Oxford; Bartussek, H. et al. 1995: Cattle barn management. Leopold Stocker Verlag. Graz
Teaching form Seminar, excursion
Certificate of achievement Written exam 2 h 100% or written exam 1 h 50% + presentation (ca. 20min + ca. 10 S) 50%.
Applicability Elective subject according to § 9 (6) PO Organic Farming
Prerequisite for participation: modules biology of farm animals, animal health and husbandry, animal nutrition  
Coordinator Prof. Dr. A. Sundrum
Language German
Credits 6
Stud. Workload 180h, thereof 60h contact hours
Frequency (WS / SS) WS, yearly
Contents Pigs: breeding and feeding requirements for the production of high quality pork; pig rearing; specific requirements of the EU-ecotics regulation Chickens: behavior, husbandry, rearing and feeding of poultry; broodstock design; rearing of laying hens
Qualification goals Translation of basic knowledge into concrete strategies for optimization and action; understanding of animal science interrelationships that determine the dynamics and management of husbandry systems; acquisition of communicative and didactic skills; reflection on and thinking in networked systems.
Literature Busch W., W. Methling and W. M. Amselgruber 2004: Tiergesundheits- und Tierkrankheitslehre. Parey Verlag Stuttgart; Ulbrich M., M. Hoffmann and W. Drochner 2004: Fütterung und Tiergesundheit. Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart; Kallweit E. et al. 1988: Quality of animal foods - meat - milk - eggs. Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart; Deerberg, F., Joost-Meyer zu Bakum, R., Staack, M. (eds.) 2004: Organic poultry production. Feeding and management. Bioland Verlags GmbH. Mainz; Baumann, W. 2004: Artgerechte Hühnerhaltung. Bioland Verlags GmbH. Mainz
Teaching form Seminar 48h, excursion 12h
Certificate of achievement Exam (approx. 2h) 100%.
Applicability Elective subject according to § 9 (6) PO Organic Farming
Prerequisite for participation Modules Biology of Farm Animals, Animal Health - Husbandry, Animal Nutrition - Breeding
Coordinator Prof. Dr. A. Sundrum
Language German
Credits 6
Stud. Workload 180h, thereof 60h contact hours
Frequency (WS / SS) WS, usually annually
Course-content Health management: Risk factors for the development of factor diseases and measures to prevent them, taking into account company-specific and ecological conditions. Alternative healing methods: basics of homeopathy and acupuncture (traditional Chinese medicine, TCM), application of therapeutic measures in cattle herd management.
Qualification goal Increased knowledge of animal health and preparation of animal health plans. To convey the possibilities and the limits of the use of alternative therapies in livestock management.
Literature reference de Kruif, A., R. Mansfeld and M. Hoedemaker 1998: Veterinary herd management in dairy cattle. Ferdinand Enke Stuttgart; Brand, A., J.P.T.M. Noordhuizen, and Y.H. Schukken 2001: Herd Health and Production Management in Dairy Practice. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen; Steingassner, H. M. 2004: Homöopathische Materia Medica für Veterinärmediziner. Wilhelm Maudrich, Vienna - Munich - Bern
Teaching form Seminar 30h, group work 30h
Certificate of achievement Work report group (ca. 20 S) 50%, presentation (ca. 20min) 25% + written exam over block course (1h) 25%
Applicability Elective subject according to § 9 (6) PO BSc Organic Agriculture
Prerequisite for participation: modules biology of farm animals, animal health - husbandry, animal nutrition - breeding  


Coordinator Prof. Dr. U. Knierim
Language German
Credits 6
Stud. Workload 180h, thereof 60h contact hours
Frequency (WS / SS) WS, yearly
Contents Handling of scientific literature Methods of different disciplines of animal science Scientific quality criteria Design of experiments, statistics Scientific presentation
Qualification goal The students should learn the basic principles of scientific work and acquire the ability to develop an experimental question against the background of existing literature as well as to plan and present a corresponding experiment.
Bibliography Martin, P., Bateson, P. 2007: Measuring Behaviour. An introductory guide. Cambridge UniversityPress
Teaching form Seminar 60h
Certificate of achievement Study paper (ca. 10 S.) 67 % + Project presentation (ca. 20min) 33 %.
Applicability Elective subject according to § 9 (6) PO Organic Farming
Admission requirements according to § 8 PO Organic Farming  

Summer term

Basic Studies

Coordinator Prof. Dr. A. Sundrum
Language German
Credits 6
Stud. Workload 180h, thereof 60h contact hours
Frequency (WS / SS) SS, yearly
Contents Anatomy: Structure and function of the passive and active musculoskeletal system, structure and function of tissues and organs, physiological regulation processes, nutritional-physiological basics.
Qualification goal Anatomy: Insight into anatomical and physiological relationships, teaching of basics for understanding the prerequisites for animal-friendly livestock management. Exercises: Insight into anatomical, physiological and pathological correlations and practical observation of behavior in farm animals.
Literature Loeffler, K. 1994: Anatomy of domestic animals. 9th edition. Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart; Nickel, R., A. Schummer and E. Seiferle 1999: Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere. Volume II. Parey Berlin;
Teaching form Lecture 60h, plus 12 h exercises (4 each in anatomy and physiology, ethology and zoology)
Certificate of achievement Exam (2h) 100% or project work (ca. 10 S) 25% + exam (1,5h) 75%.
Applicability Compulsory module according to §9 (3) PO Organic Farming; prerequisite for the modules Animal Nutrition, Animal Breeding, Animal Health and Animal Husbandry.
Prerequisite for participation  

The exercises provide an insight into anatomical, physiological and pathological relationships. They take place in groups at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Göttingen.

In the first lectures of the module "Biology of Farm Animals" the participants are asked to sign up in lists for the offered dates. 

Participation in the exercises on the biology of animals is mandatory.

Coordinator Prof. Dr. U. Knierim
Language German
Credits 6
Stud. Workload 180h, thereof 60h contact hours
Frequency (WS / SS) SS, annually
Course-content Animal health: basics of immune defense; germ-host-animal-environment interactions; bacterial, viral and parasitic infectious diseases; factorial diseases; metabolic and fertility disorders.
Qualification goal Animal Health: Provide an overview of the major processes involved in the development of animal diseases; present disease patterns in cattle and swine; provide basic knowledge for developing health plans in organic livestock production.
Literature Haiger, A., Storhas, R., Bartussek, H. 1988: Naturgemäße Viehwirtschaft. Publisher Eugen Ulmer. Stuttgart
Teaching form Lecture 60h
Certificate of achievement Exam (2 h) 100 % or project work (approx. 20 S) 50 % + exam (1h) 50 %.
Applicability Compulsory module according to §9 (3) PO Organic Farming; prerequisite for the modules Animal Nutrition, Animal Breeding, Animal Health and Animal Husbandry.
Prerequisite for participation Module Biology of Farm Animals
Coordinator Prof. Dr. A. Sundrum
Language German
Credits 2
Frequency (WS / SS) SoSe, annually
Contents This module is a supplement and consolidation of the contents of the lecture "Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition". Students are given the opportunity to deepen the contents of the lecture and to apply them to practical problems in feeding and ration optimization of polygastric livestock. In addition to the introduction to feed analysis, exercises on ration calculations, on the evaluation of single feeds and feed rations, as well as getting to know instruments for ration monitoring are central contents of the course. A field trip to evaluate a TMR, use the BCS, and perform fecal scoring will be conducted. More detailed information on the module schedule can be found on the notice board at the beginning of each semester.
Qualification goal Intensification of basic knowledge
Literature Jeroch, H., W. Drochner and O. Simon 1999: Nutrition of agricultural livestock, Ulmer Verlag. Spiekers et al., 2009:Successful dairy cattle feeding, DLG-Verlag.
Teaching form Practical exercises
Certificate of achievement Regular attendance, proof of ability to calculate a feed ration
Applicability Elective module from the area of current topics in science and practice


Coordinator Prof. Dr. A. Sundrum
Language English
Credits 6
Workload Attendance time 60 h; Self-study time: 120 h
Course frequency (WS / SS) SoSeason
Course Animal Nutrition and Animal Health
Content Organic livestock production in Europe possibilities and limitations within organic farming to ensure a high level of animal health strategies in animal nutrition to increase the efficiency in the use of limited resources benefits of a system-oriented approach in comparison to technical approaches
Learning outcome, core skills Students get to know scientific tools for quantifying, assessing and evaluating problems within organic livestock production.
Literature Vaarst, M., Roderick, S., L. and, V., Lockeretz, W. (eds.) 2004: Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture. CABI Publishing
Teaching Seminar 60h
Examination Written exam (2h) 100%.
Applicability Compulsory module § 9 (5) PO MSc Organic Agriculture
Admission requirements Admission requirements according to § 8 PO Organic Farming
Coordinator Prof. Dr. U. Knierim
Language German
Credits 6
Stud. Workload 180h, thereof 60h contact hours
Frequency (WS / SS) SS, annually
Contents Scientific concepts for the assessment of animal welfare and environmental compatibility Emission generation (pollutant gases, nitrate etc.) and reduction Increase of nutrient efficiency Animal welfare and environmental law
Qualification goal Ability to describe and evaluate husbandry systems under animal welfare and environmental aspects. Knowledge of possibilities to improve animal welfare and environmental compatibility Understanding of the tension between animal welfare and environmental protection.
Literature reference KTBL (ed.) 2006: Nationaler Bewertungsrahmen Tierhaltungsverfahren. KTBL publication 446, KTBL, Darmstadt Stein-Bachinger, K., J. Bachinger, L. Schmitt (2004): Nutrient management in organic farming. KTBL publication
Teaching form Seminar 60h
Certificate of achievement Presentation (ca. 20min + ca. 10 S.) 50 % + Technical discussion (ca. 15min) 50 %.
Applicability Elective subject according to § 9 (5) PO MSc Organic Agriculture
Admission requirements according to § 8 PO Organic Farming