2014 gas leak detection in biogas plants

The number of biogas plants in Germany continues to increase. Due to aging, technical defects and design defects significant gas leaks (mainly methane) may occur. This rising emissions of climate-impacting greenhouse gases requires the development of new measurement systems that enables easy and timely quantification of the escaping gas flow through existing leaks. For this purpose, a portable leak mass flow telemetry system for methane will be developed with integrated data evaluation. In a first step, reproducible measurements are made under laboratory conditions.  The aim of the project is to minimize methane emissions wich may contribute to CO2 increase in the environment. The possibility of regular inspections may contribute to the environmental protection and enhance the positive image of renewable energy, specifically the biogas plants. The expected increase in energy efficiency by the resulting technical improvement of the system components and the option of a uniform certification of biogas plants in terms of efficiency and amount of current gas outlet are economically as well as climate policy-relevant innovations, which are further objectives of this research project.


project coordination: Hermann Sewerin GmbH

project partner : FG Mess- und Regelungstechnik & FG Agrartechnik

sponsored by : Deutsche Stiftung Umwelt