Quality hay production and minimization of harvest losses by an new improved process.

The project is founded by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food an is planned for 3 years. It deals with the optimization of quality hay production by the reduction of losses and improvement of the production process.
The main work packages are:

  1. Determination of critical points in the production chain and development of strategies to reduce this points and the losses.
  2. Improvement of hay baling for a better and faster drying in barn hay drying.
  3. Evaluation of barn dryers for hay round bales.
  4. Economic efficiency of the improved system.

This joint project is coordinated by the University of Kassel. The partners are the Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture (KTBL), Darmstadt and several manufacturers of agricultural machinery.


Ginzinger, W. (2011): Projekt: Fettsäurespektrum von Heumilch und Heumilchprodukten mit Schwerpunkt CLA und Omega 3 FS.

Kälber, T.; Meier, J.S.; Kreuzer, M.; Leiber, F. (2011): Flowering catch crops used as forage plants for dairy cows: Influence on fatty acids and tocopherols in milk. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (3), pp. 1477-1489

Manns, C. und Hensel, O. (2009): Bestimmung der Bröckelverluste bei der Luzernebergung unter Prüfstandbedingungen. Landtechnik 64 (5), S. 360-362.

Steinwidder, A. (2008): Einfluss der Proteinversorgung auf Futteraufnahme, Milchleistung, Pansen- und Blutparameter, Tiergesundheit sowie N-Ausscheidung von Milchkühen. Abschlussbericht. Lehr- und Forschungszentrum Landwirtschaft. www.raumberg-gumpenstein.at.



Björn Bohne

University of Kassel

Department 11

Section of Agricultural Engineering

Nordbahnhofstraße 1a

D-37213 Witzenhausen

Fon: ++49-5542-98-1637

Fax: ++49-5542-98-1520

E-Mail: ackerbohne@uni-kassel.de

URL: www.uni-kassel.de/agrar/agt