Dr. Prathiwi Widyatmi Putri
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in
- Telefon
- +49 5542 98-1274
- prathiwi.putri[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- Dr. Prathiwi Putri
- Standort
- Steinstr. 19
37213 Witzenhausen
- Raum
- Kloster, 2143
Dr. Prathiwi Putri is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow. The project is supervised by Prof. Andreas Thiel, titled From Conflict to Co-production: A Grassroots-Led Model of Polycentric Water Governance in the Postcolonial South, or abbreviated CO-Water.
Prathiwi studied architecture and urban design in Indonesia (Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2004) and Belgium (KU Leuven, 2008). She holds a Doctor of Engineering Science (KU Leuven, 2014). Her doctoral thesis is in the scientific field of spatial planning; it analyses the socio-ecological aspects of wastewater infrastructure development in Jakarta, to understand the political ecology and political economy of informal settlements and to find ways for unlocking the potentialities of social innovation in the sector. Her postdoc in global development (University of Copenhagen, 2016-2019) was within an ERC funded research program State Formation through the Local Production of Property and Citizenship. This research helped deepening her theoretical understanding on state institutions and their recognitions, the formation of statutory and non-statutory authorities as well as the agencies of citizenship. In between these university career trajectories, Prathiwi has worked in various international cooperation and development projects, in Indonesia and Viet Nam, with Oxfam GB, Cordaid, Caritas, GIZ, World Bank and others. With these field experiences, she nurtures her broader interest in understanding societal-ecological transformations. Her current study includes polycentric water governance, urban commons and co-productive planning within the empirical dynamics of social movements and collective actions in the postcolonial South.
More on personal website.