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Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Middendorf, Bernhard
Vice Dean | Head of the Department of Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry
Middendorf, Bernhard
Name, ForenameContact
Jung, Alexandra
Secretariat for Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry
Jung, Alexandra
Kirchner, Birgit
Sekretariat Werkstoffe des Bauwesens und Bauchemie
Research assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Kawoosa, Saamid (M.Sc.)
Scientific employee
Kawoosa, Saamid
Kosenko, Denis (M.Sc.)
Scientific employee
Kosenko, Denis
Laabs, Marcel (M.Sc.)
Scientific employee
Laabs, Marcel
Latifi, Mujeebulrahman (M.Sc.)
Scientific employee
Latifi, Mujeebulrahman
Link, Janna (M.Sc.)
Research assistant
Link, Janna
Dr.-Ing. Salah-Uddin, K. M.
Scientific employee
Salah-Uddin, K. M.
Dr.-Ing. Umbach, Cristin
Research assistant
Umbach, Cristin
Dr. phil. nat. Wetzel, Alexander
Senior Academic Councillor
Wetzel, Alexander
Administrative technical team member
Name, ForenameContact
Bauch, Timo
Building material tester
Bauch, Timo
Dumat, Ulrike
Physical-technical assistant
Dumat, Ulrike
Fremder, Magdalena (B.Sc.)
Fremder, Magdalena
Gehrke, Matthias
Chemical-technical assistant
Gehrke, Matthias
Hübenthal, Dominik
Building material tester
Hübenthal, Dominik
Materi, Daniel
Building material tester
Materi, Daniel
Reim, Anna-Katharina
Building materials tester
Reim, Anna-Katharina
Name, ForenameContact
Senatore, Marco
Trainee building materials tester
Senatore, Marco
Project leader
Name, ForenameContact
Dr.-Ing. Koch, Viola
Technical management AMPA
Koch, Viola
Former …
Name, ForenameContact
Secretary (until February 2020)
Secretary (until May 2023)
Deiß, Burkhard
Building materials tester (until July 2018)
Dipl.-Ing. Machner, Peter
Technical Management Ampa (until 31.03.2017)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Schmidt, Michael
Former head of department (until 30.09.2012)