Project/bachelor and master theses

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All students can work on project theses (Bachelor or Master) as well as Bachelor theses at the SG Construction and Maintenance of Traffic Routes on specialized topics. It is recommended that at least the basic lecture "Road Construction Technology" has been successfully completed.

For the successful completion of master's theses, which represent a first scientific work, in-depth knowledge of the topics of traffic route engineering is required. Therefore, students must have at least 12 credits from courses in the subject area (bachelor's and master's) in order to complete a master's thesis in the topic of transportation infrastructure engineering.  

If your interest in a thesis or dissertation is piqued, please contact us at:


Examples of topics

Review of the substitution of conventional bitumen testing by the force ductility and dynamic shear rheology performance test methods.

Durability of asphalt pavements and maintenance measures: Influences of paving conditions and material properties

Reuse of asphalt granules in large-scale production at the highest value-added level in asphalt mixes for asphalt wearing courses

Investigation of the adhesion behavior of stone mastic asphalt by means of split tensile tests on moisture-conditioned test specimens