A. Kosmützky & F. Meier introduce a conceptual framework for analyzing competition in higher education, with a focus on competing as action.
Female researchers have to wait longer for their work to be accepted for publication
A new paper by Stephan Bruns; Anthony Doucouliagos; Hristos Doucouliagos; Johannes König; T.D. Stanley & Katarina Zigova…German report ‘Academics in early career phases’ published
New LCSS Working Paper sheds light on the relationship between cooperation and competition in higher education and sciencessenschaft erschienen
Kosmützky, Anna & Krücken, Georg (2025): Konkurrenz und Kooperation in Hochschulen und Wissenschaft. Hannover:…Lions, game players, or niche providers? Universities strategic positioning in funding competitions
Article by Omer Caliscan & Yusuf Ikbal Oldac explores the internationalization of higher education (IHE) using science mapping techniques
By analyzing more than 5,000 articles and reviews published from 1929 to 2022, they found indicate a rapid and…Journal article shows three scenarios of the effects of large language models on publication and citation behaviour.
The paper "The Bot Delusion. Large language models and anticipated consequences for academics’ publication and citation…How to stick to a sustainable diet better
Reducing animal product consumptioncan help to mitigate climate change and other environmental issues. Igor Asanov,…Newly published: Noel Japheth et al. (2024): "A reflection on collaborative teaching and learning in higher education: The case of the East and South African-German Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methodologies and Management
Blog post on the results of the research on self help online intervention for refugees