21.02.2021 | Publikationen

Congratulations: Andreas Rehs awarded junior researcher prize for his article in Scientometrics

Andreas Rehs, former research fellow at the Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group was awarded the Junior Researcher Award 2020 by the University of Kassel's Graduate School in Economic Behavior and Governance.

INCHER member Andreas Rehs

The award was given to the article "A structural topic model approach to scientific reorientation of economics and chemistry after German reunification” published in Scientometrics in 2020.

In his article Andreas shows on the basis of titles of dissertations at German universities before and after German reunification how innovative methodology can help to quantify thematic differences in large scientific text collections. The full text of  is available online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03640 


In Verbindung stehender Artikel:  New article shows innovative methodology in scientometric research - INCHER-Meldung vom 13.08.2020