Präsidiale Führungsstile in Hochschulen. Vom Wandel zur Transformation. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. 2017.
Knowledge and technology transfer in Mexico and Germany: experiences from the GeT-In program 2015.(ed. with Raesfeld, L.; Pineda-Olivieri, J.; Galán-Muros, V.) Mexico City: UAEH. 2016
Change to success: 17 Case Studies of Latin America derived from UniTransfer, a Project on new Solutions for Transfer and Liaison Activities in Emerging Universities (ed., with Victoria Galán Muros, Lydia Raesfeld, Thomas Baaken, Sue Rossano and Milton Villareal). Münster: Waxmann. 2015.
GeT-In 2014: Experiencias de un programa intensivo de profesionalización de gestores de vinculación de Instituciones de Educación Superior. [GeT-In 2014: Experiences from an intensive professionalization program for knowledge and technology managers at higher education institutions] (ed., with Lydia Raesfeld). Mexico City: UAEH. 2015.
La vinculación de las instituciones de educación superior con su entorno económico en el contexto internacional: Alemania, Centroamérica y México [The relationship between universities and the regional economy in an international context] (ed., with Lydia Raesfeld, Juan Villalvazo Naranjo and Thomas Baaken). Mexico City: DAAD/ UANL/ UAEH. 2011.
Aufsätze in Fachzeitschriften (Peer-Reviewed):
“La conducción de las instituciones de educación superior frente a la “tercera misión de la universidad”: visiones globales, miradas locales” [The management of higher education institutions towards the "third mission of the university": global visions, local overviews] (with Angélica Buendía and Georg Krücken). In: Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa. México.April 2015.
Aufsätze in Sammelbänden:
Innovation, Networking and Leadership: strategies for a better relationship between higher education institutions and their environment. 2016. In: Badillo-Vega, R. Raesfeld, L.; Pineda-Olivieri, J. & Galán-Muros, V. (Eds.) Knowledge and technology transfer in Mexico and Germany: experiences from the GeT-In program 2015. Mexico City: UAEH.
Issues in Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Latin American Higher Education Institutions. (with Sue Rossano-Rivero and Thomas Baaken). 2015. In: Badillo-Vega, R.; Galán-Muros, V.; Raesfeld, L.; Baaken, T.; Rossano-Rivero, S. and Villarreal-Castro, M. (Eds.) Change to success: 17 Case Studies of Latin America derived from UniTransfer, a Project on new Solutions for Transfer and Liaison Activities in Emerging Universities. Münster: Waxmann.
El desarrollo de soft skills para líderes en transferencia dentro del programa GeTIn. [Soft skills development for transfer leaders in the context of GeTIn]. 2015. In Badillo-Vega & Raesfeld (Eds.) GeT-In 2014: Experiencias de un programa intensivo de profesionalización de gestores de vinculación de Instituciones de Educación Superior.Pachuca: UAEH.
Hochschulführung und die dritte Mission: Herausforderungen an akademische Führungskräfte in der unternehmerischen Hochschule(with Georg Krücken). 2014.In: Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Educación superior en México y Centroamérica: La vinculación como un reto permanente. [Higher education in Mexico and Central America: Knowledge and Technology Transfer as a permanent challenge] (with Alexander Au). 2011. In: Badillo Vega, R. et Al. (Eds.) La vinculación de las instituciones de educación superior con su entorno económico en el contexto internacional. Alemania, Centroamérica y México. México City: DAAD/ UANL/ UAEH. 42-55.
Transdisciplinary Interaction between University, Industry and Government in a Knowledge Based Society. Experience and Proposals of Mexico. (with Octavio Cabrera Lazarini). In: Amini, S., Fremerey, M. & Wesseler, M. (Eds.). 2010. Towards a Shared Vision for Higher Education. Cross-Cultural Insights & Projects. Vol. V. Kassel: University of Kassel.
Miscellaneous (non-scholarly publications, media, etc.):
“GUCAL XXI Mexico – From the Idea to the Handbook and Training Course”. 2013. In: Sylvester, H. (Hrsg.). Highlights from the German Academic Exchange Service Mexico´s Alumni Activities, 2010-2012: Subject-Specific Seminars. Bonn: DAAD.
“Networking, looking for Quality Excellence in Higher Education”. 2013 In: Sylvester, H. (Hrsg.). Highlights from the German Academic Exchange Service Mexico´s Alumni Activities, 2010-2012: Subject-Specific Seminars. Bonn: DAAD.
Die Promotion als Transformationsprozess. DAAD- Online Magazin. September 2012.