How to find us

How to find us

Universität Kassel
Fachbereich 15 - Maschinenbau
Institut für Produktionstechnik und Logistik
Fachgebiet Produktionsorganisation und Fabrikplanung
Kurt-Wolters-Straße 3

D-34125 Kassel
D-34109 Kassel (postal address) 

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrid Wenzel

+49 561 804-1851 (Fon) (E-Mail)

Sekretariat (Room 2318)
Martina Günther
Christina Izgin


There are very few parking spaces in the surrounding streets around the Campus Holländischer Platz (Hentschelstrasse, Mönchebergstrasse). All parking spaces are chargeable. At the other locations, you will find parking spaces in the surrounding streets.


The long-distance train station is Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe. You can also use regional transport to get to Kassel main station. You can find train connections at


The closest airports are: Kassel-Calden, Frankfurt, Hannover and Paderborn. From Kassel-Calden you can take a taxi or the 130 bus to downtown Kassel. You can find the exact timetable on the website of the Kasseler Verkehrsgesellschaft. There are train connections from Frankfurt, Hannover, and Paderborn to Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe.



Campus Holländischer Platz
Location map (PDF) "Campus Holländischer Platz"

contact details

Fon: +49 (0) 561 804 - 1851