Acute support services

On this page you will find a range of support services if you need help in your professional environment. Whether you are looking for expert advice, practical solutions or individual support, we offer a wide range of support services to ensure that you can get the help you need in your professional environment.

Integration management (BEM)

Workplace integration management (BEM) serves to promote workplace health at the University of Kassel. With the implementation of BEM, the University of Kassel takes into account the fact that stress factors from the world of work also influence the state of health of employees. In order to improve the health and job satisfaction of employees, a process is initiated with the aim of continuously creating health-promoting working conditions.

Company integration management

Conflicts in the working environment

Unresolved conflicts can affect health in the long term or even lead to "internal resignation".

The university management promises that staff members will not be disadvantaged due to their approach in the event of a conflict. Those involved in the conflict counseling process, including external counseling, are subject to a duty of confidentiality; data protection is observed.

Conflict management

Addiction prevention / company social workers

The company social workers are contact persons for all employees of the University of Kassel. Their mandate for workplace addiction prevention at the University of Kassel is anchored in the 1994 service agreement on workplace health promotion and addiction prevention as well as help for those at risk of addiction and those suffering from addiction.
The company social workers provide advice and support if you, your colleagues or superiors have problems with addiction or addictive substances or have to deal with other stressful situations.

Addiction prevention / company social workers

Psychological counseling

The Psychological Counseling Center of the Studierendenwerk Kassel is a service for students and relatives of the University of Kassel. In counseling sessions, those seeking advice are supported in overcoming their psychological crises.

Psychological counseling

Regulatory agreement on overload notification

The overload notification was introduced for the self-protection of employees and is based, among other things, on parts of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It offers the opportunity to draw attention to hazardous situations (whether personal or company-related) and to be able to exonerate oneself in the context of any liability claims. An overload report is addressed to the employing company or the direct manager to draw attention to hazards and encourage countermeasures to be taken.
(Quelle: 25.11.20,

Regulatory agreement on dealing with overload notifications at the University of Kassel