Application and admission

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You would like to apply with a first professional qualification?

Application with a degree earned in Germany?

obtained in Germany?: Forward

Application with a degree earned outside Germany

obtained abroad?: Forward

Guidance on Suitability

The program provides guidance on suitability for potential students. For inquiries regarding suitability or further information, please contact us at glu.germany[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

Further information on fees and scholarships

The Master Programme Labour Policies and Globalisation is a very unique programme that is geared towards trade unionists globally to enhance their knowledge and ability to engage in international trade union movements and struggles. For this purpose, the programme maintains and facilitates close contact and exchange with various trade union organizations and experts, which exceeds the regular academic curriculum of a master study programme.

However, this close interaction in forms of guest lecturers, workshops and field trips involves financial expenditures and structural program costs, which cannot be covered in total by the administrative semester fee. Thanks to a number of funding parties, we can cover most of these costs but, unfortunately, not all of it.

For this reason, we charge each participant an own contribution of 1500 €. Traditionally, the one-time contribution of 1500 EUR is covered by the endorsing trade union or organization supporting the student's application.

Limited scholarships are available for the program, specifically for participants from the Global South (ODA Recipients).

Keep in mind that the program provides information, but the final decision is made by funding institutions such as the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, UNI Global Union, GLU Association, Public Services International (PSI), International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and others.

The scholarship is a matching grant, generally awarded only if a trade union or institution sponsors the Own Contribution payment of 1,500 EUR. The sponsor must confirm their payment in an official letter, and the student's contribution should be paid to the University of Kassel before the program starts.

As scholarships administered directly by the programme are limited, consider exploring alternative funding possibilities. The program cannot offer advice on these options.