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02/15/2019 | Gender/diversity in informatics systems

Goda Klumbyte Appointed a Research Fellow at the IAS-STS in Graz

@Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems

GeDIS team member Goda Klumbytė was appointed a Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS) in Graz, Austria.

She will be visiting IAS-STS for two months, starting on February 19th. The IAS-STS is hosted by the Science, Technology and Society Unit/ Graz University of Technology.

During her fellowship Goda Klumbytė will look at the interventions to knowledge production in computing through critical – feminist, queer and postcolonial – computation and information systems design methods. Specifically, she will focus on analysing existing literature in the field of critical computing with particular attention to: (a) which epistemological approaches from which critical theories are taken into account, and (b) how these approaches are translated into methodological interventions, and (c) how these interventions are applied, if at all, to the design and application of machine learning. The resulting output will constitute part of her PhD research project on the modes of knowledge production and modes of power in machine learning algorithmic systems.

During her visit Klumbytė will also give lectures on her research and participate in the academic programme of the Institute.