M.A. Goda Klumbyte


Pfannkuchstraße 1
34121 Kassel

Über Goda Klumbytė  (M.A. Goda Klumbyte)

Goda Klumbytė is a PhD candidate at the University of Kassel and a graduate of Utrecht University, Media and Performance studies (MA cum laude). Her research engages feminist science and technology studies, new media studies and posthumanism. Of particular interest to her are the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and how developments in these fields re-configure notions of body, subjectivity, knowledge and social relations. Her PhD research at the University of Kassel focuses on knowledge production in and through machine learning systems. Her work was published in Everyday Feminist Research Praxis (eds. Leurs and Olivieri, 2015), Fat Sex: New Directions in Theory and Activism (eds. Walters and Hester, 2015) and Posthuman Glossary (eds. Braidotti and Hlavajova, 2018).

Read more about Goda at academia.edu